Opera Questions


as u all know i have the diamond my question is can opera go to the actual website like skyfire does wit opera can only view mobile site or is ther a program to add to allow it thankz
as u all know i have the diamond my question is can opera go to the actual website like skyfire does wit opera can only view mobile site or is ther a program to add to allow it thankz
what sites ar you going to tht show you the mobile version.... all the site i go to on my diamond how the full pc brower page.
i went to yankees.com or espn.com and they go to the mobile sites

if its anything like the rest of the diamond opera builds, there is an option in the settings that allows your device to be recognized as a mobile or a computer

of that doesnt work, try another build of opera
thanks guyz what build would you suggest

--------- New Post Merged on 5/10/2008 at 03:36:57 --------

should i go to the phone settings for that or opera settings cuz i didnt see that option in either
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With no modifications to my phone, looks like all sites that detect the browser identity, have and alternate Mobile view and auto switch to the appropriate view DO switch to mobile view automatically irrespective of the Opera option "Mobile view" checked or unchecked on my wife's and my Sprint Touch Diamond. As an example these sites will ONLY show in Mobile view unless the site has a link to switch to full desktop view.


Checked or unchecked, its the same result.
After testing this, I installed the Opera Mobile 9 beta and it actually respects the Opera "Mobile view" setting, but could only use the soft full "Keyboard" which looks very ugly and is extremely difficult.
I then installed another Oper 8.x.x (I can't remember which ver) that respected the Mobile view setting, allowed the use of the Phone keypad, Compact and Full QWERTY, but got an opera appliction error at startup (even though everything loaded fine).