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Palm WebOs pDice - (the app formerly known as) a D&D dice rolling app! v1.1.1 [was 1.1


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pDice - (the app formerly known as) a D&D dice rolling app! v1.1.1 [was 1.1

File this under "hardly useful" apps.

As my first venture into the whole Mojo SDK thing, I decided to make a dice rolling app. It's been fun learning javascript, and hopefully it'll lead to bigger and better apps, but for the time being, I think this is a nice first try.

Select your dice # and type, then roll! Golden dice are explosions, and can be clicked to roll again (clicking on any gold die will re-roll ALL the gold dice).

I'm uploading the .ipk as well as the source code, in the spirit of Open Source! I would appreciate it if you guys didn't distribute these files anywhere outside this forum.

This is my first app ever, so comments and suggestions are very welcome! :D

Note: The email method doesn't work in webOS 1.0.4, so install using the palm-install method.

Updated July 30, 2009! v1.1.1
- Added a Preferences scene! Hot dog!
- Toggle can now be removed from the Main scene
- Minor bug fix & graphical tweaks

Updated July 13, 2009! v1.1
- Added explosion toggle and roll history
- Restyled it a bit
- Removed the Donate button, cause I thought it was tacky. Will move it to the About info pop-up when I get it working

i take no credit for this game and the original thread can be found here:


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