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[READ ME] Post Your Today Screens Here


Hey Spj im making this thread because ive seen this in every site but ours and seems to be a big hit .Now like the title says post up your today screens .

--------- New Post Merged on 6/9/2009 at 09:09:39 --------

Here is mine::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;

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Yo whts up jr, long time no hear, this is a dofe home screen, i wish i knew how to install this titanium theme because this is so ill, oh well bout to leave jersey back to va, keep showen those ill screens bro.

Hey whats up bro and its not hard bro i think the cab is here at AMJ im look around for it if it aint i will post it up and thanks .

looking good and we already have the setup here for many to post there today screens..... we just seperate them so it looks cleaner and easier to navigate than words and words before the next screenie.

Thanks dashy and if u think this is a dumb idea u can delete the thread and we can just post em in our own thread like before i just think it could be a big hit or not since i havent seen much play .

Hey Jr looking good on screenies nice setup thnxs for the share...

Thanks bro as u can tell im in2 that dark blue .
Hey whats up bro and its not hard bro i think the cab is here at AMJ im look around for it if it aint i will post it up and thanks .

Thanks dashy and if u think this is a dumb idea u can delete the thread and we can just post em in our own thread like before i just think it could be a big hit or not since i havent seen much play .

Thanks bro as u can tell im in2 that dark blue .

naw not a dumb idea at all and we will keep it going and see what happens with it and all... the owrse thats going to happen is it goes to the bottom and people start creating their own threads again.... no biggie and no reason to be sorry.
Yo whts up jr, long time no hear, this is a dofe home screen, i wish i knew how to install this titanium theme because this is so ill, oh well bout to leave jersey back to va, keep showen those ill screens bro.

Look here bro just finished posting it up :
