Data Connection keeps connecting automatically! My work is going to be pissed... I tried deleting #777 from connections, but it just keeps coming back. I tried changing the number, reverts automatically. There has to be a way to stop this...
Take it down to verizon bro .
Yeah right. Last 2 times i went there, I spent an hour waiting for some idiot to tell me they couldn't figure out what was wrong.
Bro tell them u want a new one then ,are u getting charged for internet or do you have a data plan?
i get charged per KB! No Data plan... THis is why i wanted the phone... wifi only.
Do you really think it's the phone? I doubt it... i had this same prob on the treo, but delteing the #777 was all i had to do to fix it there... this phone somehow recovers that #777 after i delete it.
Well maybe not the phone,but if your getting charged for it then id def go and talk to a rep ,if you go to setting and communications there should be a data on and off button .
There is in fact an on off button, but it turns itself on whenever it feel like it. I talked to my rep, and he NEVER mentioned that you NEED data to use a diamond. packed it up and shipped it back immediately. back to teh old Treo 700w i guess
the reason it is turning on and off is because it is trying to gather information for a weather program or something else that uses the net and you have that on a timer in your settings.... could be weather,email address, etc..... and for the getting on just call them and tell them that you want a internet block placed on that line and by law they have to give one to you so you dont accidently rack up charges and all employees of cellular companies know that...... i would give them a call and tell them to lock your internet and get the person that you talked to name and employee id # so they cant say shit if they still charge you down the road since you have proof. hope this helps and let me know how this goes for you.