[NEWS] PROBEX gettin Naughty


Shizzile on the WIzzel

Vinnie Brown
To Probex's family, friends loved one's. Thank you for lending Naughty such a great spirited guy! My entire crew fell in love with him especially my manager Rebekah. We had a great time with him. We returned him in one piece! He's the ...official 4th member of Naughty by Nature! Much more to come. Please continue to support the movement! Probe you're truly the Man!! Thanx for everything!

Everything went just awesome in LA, Windows is behind us... and got interviewed by a few people told them to come see me at www.androidmobilejunkie.com.

Still very busy but wanted to show you some of the fun.
hahahaha the cheesy smile is great and vinnie jsut contacted me and wants me to go to a concert in one of four places backstage with him too :) sooooo stoked gonna either be in miami, new york, la, or atlanta... so stoked but looked like oyu had a blast nand maby a little buzz from the 2nd hand smoke lmao..... or did you have a little too much off of the bottle hahahhaa...... told you from day 1 when i saw your skill you would make it and you sure as hell have...... good for you and keep your options open, they are endless for sure.
hahahhahaha you look so outta place...lmao hope you had a good time. remember puff puff pass....

I kinda look like a flashlight turned up way to bright... lol

Honestly tho nobody made me feel out of place at all. In fact I felt like part of the family.

--------- New Post Merged on 17/8/2009 at 10:44:40 --------

hahahaha the cheesy smile is great and vinnie jsut contacted me and wants me to go to a concert in one of four places backstage with him too :) sooooo stoked gonna either be in miami, new york, la, or atlanta... so stoked but looked like oyu had a blast nand maby a little buzz from the 2nd hand smoke lmao..... or did you have a little too much off of the bottle hahahhaa...... told you from day 1 when i saw your skill you would make it and you sure as hell have...... good for you and keep your options open, they are endless for sure.

Hey Ya never know I may just see you there, apparently I will be maken some more trips in the near future as well. Along with the super SUPER hot model twins Vin and I met at the hotel.

And Oooooo Man did I drink alot and in that video I was on about 4 hours sleep for the 3 days leading up to that... lol All I can say is its a good thing I'm used to Canadian beer cause if that's what I was drinking the entire time I would have been done... lol And Red Bull and Vodka is a total second wind giver for sure...lol
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