[ANNOUNCEMENT] Probexdesign goes live


Shizzile on the WIzzel
Well my fellow AMJ'ers its here at last... This is the day anyone can finally get one of my themes for thier PRO2.


Is now live and ready for customers. tell your friends... tell your neighbors... tell the frickn world.

I'm counting on all you here on AMJ to hit every site you can think of and leave comments about were they can get the best themes on the net I have included in the downloads on the install instructions that AMJ rules the world.. lol

Thanks to everyone here for your years of support and getting me to this point. I'm nothing without AMJ. :highfive:
Re Probexdesign goes live

he bro congrats and the site looks awesome yeah you can count on me have few site ima gone post this o and whil also let you now if i come accros sites where your files are host kk now whe cant stop them all but whe can try

Re Probexdesign goes live

all i got 2 say is wow probex u did an amazing job , thanks for letting purchase ur theme before it was released.you r the best designer out there,what i would to c ur amazing skills is releasing a weather clock bro that would be hot .again thanks for all.
The site looks great Bro. I guess a little reading up didn't hurt much ;D Very clean and detailed. You can get a good close up easy, so it presents itself well. Of course the themes are sick as always. Keep up the good work.
probey probey probey you are the shit ive been telling you htat for how long? hahha cant wait to you get that tp2 in the mail.... being sent out tomorrow since i have to do some video comparisons on it but will be there on saturday still so no worries there :)
Well my fellow AMJ'ers its here at last... This is the day anyone can finally get one of my themes for thier PRO2.


Is now live and ready for customers. tell your friends... tell your neighbors... tell the frickn world.

I'm counting on all you here on AMJ to hit every site you can think of and leave comments about were they can get the best themes on the net I have included in the downloads on the install instructions that AMJ rules the world.. lol

Thanks to everyone here for your years of support and getting me to this point. I'm nothing without AMJ. :highfive:

congrats my brotha..you did a good job changing that ugly default theme from zencart..hahaha i will most def advertise your site bro i hope that all is good and hope you prosper..

Re Probexdesign goes live

congrats my brotha..you did a good job changing that ugly default theme from zencart..hahaha i will most def advertise your site bro i hope that all is good and hope you prosper..


Zen cart took forever to figure out.. but not quite as bad as TF3D 2.1 lol and not even close to a big a mess as they made in 2.5 lol So ya its all good. I appreciate any extra advertising I can get. there is also a module for it to post items on other websites I may look into this and see how it works.

Thanks everyone my first few customers have already rolled in pocketnow.com also featured its opening even tho the haters have already hit me and commented my work sucks... stupid haterz...

And D/\SH I can't say enough how much "You are the MAN' brother... for those who don't know I have had a Touch Pro 2 that Vin rock bought for me since the day it was released... alas I am on a CDMA provider and the euro version I have is GSM so altho I have had it I can't use it for anything other then development. Then along comes dash to save the day with a new Tp2 from sprint. So sooooon I can enjoy my own work on a device I use lol.
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Re: Re Probexdesign goes live

Zen cart took forever to figure out.. but not quite as bad as TF3D 2.1 lol and not even close to a big a mess as they made in 2.5 lol So ya its all good. I appreciate any extra advertising I can get. there is also a module for it to post items on other websites I may look into this and see how it works.

Thanks everyone my first few customers have already rolled in pocketnow.com also featured its opening even tho the haters have already hit me and commented my work sucks... stupid haterz...

And D/\SH I can't say enough how much "You are the MAN' brother... for those who don't know I have had a Touch Pro 2 that Vin rock bought for me since the day it was released... alas I am on a CDMA provider and the euro version I have is GSM so altho I have had it I can't use it for anything other then development. Then along comes dash to save the day with a new Tp2 from sprint. So sooooon I can enjoy my own work on a device I use lol.

there well always be haterz bro...they envey your work and they are jealous because they're not on the map like you... ****ed them bro its shows that you are the MAN......
Re: Re Probexdesign goes live

Zen cart took forever to figure out.. but not quite as bad as TF3D 2.1 lol and not even close to a big a mess as they made in 2.5 lol So ya its all good. I appreciate any extra advertising I can get. there is also a module for it to post items on other websites I may look into this and see how it works.

Thanks everyone my first few customers have already rolled in pocketnow.com also featured its opening even tho the haters have already hit me and commented my work sucks... stupid haterz...

And D/\SH I can't say enough how much "You are the MAN' brother... for those who don't know I have had a Touch Pro 2 that Vin rock bought for me since the day it was released... alas I am on a CDMA provider and the euro version I have is GSM so altho I have had it I can't use it for anything other then development. Then along comes dash to save the day with a new Tp2 from sprint. So sooooon I can enjoy my own work on a device I use lol.

unlike others i got to support someone that loves what they are doing and has a future in it..... but that grew into a friendship and **** getting you hooked up for the mere fact that you my boy blue!!
Re Probexdesign goes live

ayo love your work except i was upset i tried to buy bout neither my credit card or debit card worked had to create a paypal account but now i still have to wait until my payment is proccesed so im stil waiting but its worth it you do great themes love all of them great job mang
Re: Re Probexdesign goes live

ayo love your work except i was upset i tried to buy bout neither my credit card or debit card worked had to create a paypal account but now i still have to wait until my payment is proccesed so im stil waiting but its worth it you do great themes love all of them great job mang

what do you mean paypal is instant..... you can use your credit card through paypal as well.