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Ptech Update Site News


Staff member
OG Member
Ok, members and guest it has been a while that i have not updated our progress here at ptech.For the last few month i have been adding features for everyone to enjoy and to take part of, and to tell you that everything is free for you guys, all you have to do is be a part of the community and see what ptech can offer please take at least 2 mins and browse thru the forum i will list what features we have so you don't have to go as where.

1. file hosting
2. image hosting
3. arcade gallery over 600 + games
4. photo gallery ( avatar, computer wallpaper, smilies and much more)
5. classified section for members
6.Photo Storage to host your photo online and store it to share with family and friends. there are fee's but i'm willing to waived that to members here at ptech that has been here over one month and 10 post

and many more i will implent once my schedule is cleared up

Also i will notify to you guys when the server is completed i will be having my own server to host my own domain and site it was costly but will benifits ptech and no more server fee's to others.I'm having a fellow visiting admin to do the finishing touches.

Also ptech is looking for qualify members to be part of ptech team.I'm not asking for much you don't need to know lot about phone modifications i have sections that will suit you all i ask is to be active and keep the board moving.For those that i chose to be a staff members you will have lots of benefits to you for example.

1. your own email account
2. ftp storage will let you know the amount of space at a later date
3. new or upcoming phone progams providing that it will be available
4. and and full control of board except for hacks..lol
5. and will have your own account at motoxtremehosting photo center you can store photo's it's just like photobucket.
6. almost forget i will pay for you to have your own domain name for that first year and once it expire you will be reponsible to renew it.

also i will start giving out incentives to members a gift certificate to you favorite place (not yet decided..lol) but it will happen soon.Keep your eyes out on details

Should you guys have any questions or concern or need some assistance i will try my best to help send me an email at elboriyorker@puertotech.com or AIM at elboriyorker.

Thank You and have a great day.

Ptech Site Owner And Admin, elboriyorker