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Palm WebOs QuickSolve


Owner - Staff
***EDIT: QuickSolve is now live in the v2 app! ENJOY!!!***

QuickSolve is my second app that will be part of the QuickSuite (will be able to download individual games or the whole suite). I hope you enjoy it. This is only 15 puzzles, and soon the full unlimited version will be released. Each puzzle will come with all the different solutions when you finish the puzzle (i.e. 2 _ 2 = 4 could be + or *).

+: addition
-: subtraction
*: multiplication
/: division
<: less than
>: greater than
%: modulus (gets the integer remainder i.e. 10%3=1 or 3 goes into 10 3 times and there is 1 as a remainder)
^: power (raises a number to a power i.e. 2^3=8 or 2*2*2)
!=: not equal (the solution should not be equal to the equation i.e. 2+2!=5)

Some verbiage so we are on the same page when discussing:

  • Puzzle: the 6-character equation at the top you are solving
  • Gameboard (board): 5x5 matrix of 25 buttons to solve the equations
  • Time is currently an inverse sqrt function 500/sqrt(game level) - let me know what board you are able to get to on average
  • You can push the puzzle characters to complete the board, but your score will be deducted if you use any/all of them... all helps = 0 points for the level, 3/6 helps = 50% of the points for that level
  • If you push the wrong button on the board or in the puzzle, your time will go down by 10% of the total (may change to 10% of the remaining to make it a little easier)

Here are additional plans I have for the game:

  • Remove words that are already used in the same game (1 in 16,000 chance of a repeat, but better safe than sorry)
  • Characters in the puzzle equation will start to disappear as the levels get tougher, and the hardest levels will flash the equation and all the characters will disappear requiring you to solve the puzzle on memory alone
  • Enable "continue" functionality in the game
  • Record high scores
  • Make the progress pill (timer) a button that will pause the game when pushed
  • Re-randomize characters in the board after each button push (peripheral vision helps if they are static) for tougher levels

QuickSolve is part of QuickSuite which will include:

QuickSolve - stated above

QuickSpell - demo is currently released in the precentral catalog/filecoaster

QuickMatch - a quick brain teaser game - this is in beta, but not ready for release yet

QuickPhoto - a photo matching game using the photos stored on your phone - concept only currently

Please remember to rate the app. Again, this is my first shot at creating apps, and I'm only 3 weeks in. Any feedback is much appreciated!

i take no credit for the game and originally found here: