Dec 10, 2007 #2 T Tigerz Tech-O-Shock if its a rar or exe file u must extract it sith a program like winrar and take the exracted file and load them on your mogul
if its a rar or exe file u must extract it sith a program like winrar and take the exracted file and load them on your mogul
Dec 11, 2007 Thread Owner : Mandingo #3 M Mandingo Registered don't quite know what sith or winrar is but I'll do a tread search or google it. if you already have a link to get the winrar it would be appreciated.
don't quite know what sith or winrar is but I'll do a tread search or google it. if you already have a link to get the winrar it would be appreciated.
Dec 11, 2007 #4 V VenumX The VenumX Factor here you go dude, dont forget to hit the rep for dash postin that up
here you go dude, dont forget to hit the rep for dash postin that up