It seems like the Samsung Omnia II is finally ready to launch before Black Friday (sale during Thanksgiving). From the look of it, UPS has uploaded shipments of Verizon Wirelesss brochure materials and boxes that will contain the Omnia II. It might take about 2 weeks for distribution. This will set the date of launch to be around Thanksgiving (Nov 26th).
More updates to follow.
originally found here:
Boxes ALWAYS tear open and expose themselves to what its contents are. Its part of the normal work-day in UPS. At least 2 truckloads were emptied out of a UPS truck tonight containing tons of Verizon merchandise‚¦ Chocolate Touch, and the Omnia 2. Omnia 2 Verizon Wireless brochures were also picked-up and re-wrapped to be sent out to stores. Could it be the 2 wave of Omnias with winmo 6.5? Expect to see the Omnia 2 in stores within the next 2 weeks‚¦
(Source : Verizon forum)
The Verizon Omnia II will be running Windows Mobile 6.5 with the famed 3.7‚³ slate AMOLED touch screen.(Source : Verizon forum)
More updates to follow.
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