Saying Goodbye to Sprint


Since 1996 I have been a faithful customer to sprint until today. I am tired of paying $250.00 a month granted I have 3 lines on my account but I'm done... I have flashed my HTC TP to Metro PCS.. Is anyone here familiar to this company? If so I need some help.. With Metro PCS I cant get internet or picture mail. Can someone please help? There has got to be a rom or some way to flash the phone to where I can get those options back. Any help or input will be greatly appreciated..

Thanks in Advance,

Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question. But would like to ask you a question. Can we take any SPRINT HTC Phone and make it work for METRO PCS. I know the new unlimited prices are ridicolous. Please let me know. I have a HTC 6800 and HTC Touch.



Since 1996 I have been a faithful customer to sprint until today. I am tired of paying $250.00 a month granted I have 3 lines on my account but I'm done... I have flashed my HTC TP to Metro PCS.. Is anyone here familiar to this company? If so I need some help.. With Metro PCS I cant get internet or picture mail. Can someone please help? There has got to be a rom or some way to flash the phone to where I can get those options back. Any help or input will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance,

well Im still with sprint but my brother in law has this company. and from what i know...Metro PCS is cheap and that's all that's good about it but do make sure to see the coverage map of your area before signing up or you have lots of network issues...Metor does not offer such great phones but since they are a CDMA network so you can Flash other CDMA phones. As far as your picture issue you have probaly lost your settings, for picture messages, just go onto ur network providers website for guidence.
From my understanding metro pcs is just like cricket that we have here.

I imagine to get good answers on flashing to their service and have all the functions of a normal phone you would head over to howardforums.

They have sections dedicated to each service provider and metro pcs happens to be one of them.
Well, here in Miami we call MetroPCS , Metro Peice of Sh**.. That company does suck. I know someone who flashed their TP to a Alltell ROM and got internet (data) but still has to send pictures using email as appose to a cell #
There are two places that I would recommend checking for the metropcs settings and for can probably get a cooked rom already to go at either ppcgeeks or at howardforums..........

ppcgeeks also offers a kitchen that you can cook your own rom.....although i havent done it yet, it is supposed to be pretty easy...(I love the rom i have and dont want t mess with what i know i like)
ok well first of all yeah metro sucks may differ depending on where you are...but anywho i know atleast 3 people on this site who have successfully flashed their TP to metro and EVERYTHING works as far as i know...i heard someone got the pic mail and data working by installing the verizon carrier cab...that might work..
Since 1996 I have been a faithful customer to sprint until today. I am tired of paying $250.00 a month granted I have 3 lines on my account but I'm done... I have flashed my HTC TP to Metro PCS.. Is anyone here familiar to this company? If so I need some help.. With Metro PCS I cant get internet or picture mail. Can someone please help? There has got to be a rom or some way to flash the phone to where I can get those options back. Any help or input will be greatly appreciated..

Thanks in Advance,


damnnn! 250!whew! i the zero plan, and it's great. you might need to discussed your plan with then bro. you've been with then for long enough, you should at least try before switching.