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[NEW] SenseHEROv133


A Short forward:
First and foremost, sorry for the delay in releasing new builds. Life happens. I bought a new car and have been doing a lot of work. You can thank Manup456 and MikeTaylor for doing work while I was away and harassing me to get off my lazy arse. Manup456 even went so far as to gChat me things I had promised and to hold me to them.

This is based off of the new Sense Hero Dump, thank you to the source. I think I know who you are, but you definitely know who you are! Also, thanks to Lexton Drakes for providing the dump.

This ROM builds on a lot of the stellar work JustAnotherCrowd put into Hero development. In essence, SenseHero maintains the framework and method while replacing some of the content with the new dump. JAC may be MIA, but I`m sure he will be back.

As always me, Manup456, or MikeTaylor are NOT responsible for any damage done to your phone by flashing this ROM. You do so at your own risk.


Please give your thanks and donations to Manup456 and MikeTaylor. Both do a lot of testing, brainstorming, and development for any of the work I put out. In fact, we put it out together. Specifically, Manup456 did most of the porting/merging of the JACHEROSki ROM and the Sense dump.

Thank you JesusFreke, Cyanogen, Drizzy, Maxisma, barak, TwistedUmbrella, KingKlick and all of the other devs and users who make XDA so fun, interesting, and worthwhile.

Channel Log

SSenseHERO-v1.3.3 - Themed and Unthemed
Themed by Manup456
Optimized and ported by MikeTaylor00

*Based on the 2.73.405.61 SenseHERO dump (Thanks to Drizzy for providing the dump!)
* ************ root@DesertLake-Labs
~There are SEVERAL kernels. The Full ROM (bot themed and unthemed) comes with BFS-300. The rest of the these kernel configs are no-wipe updates.
~BFS-300 w/ 10MB RAM hack for MyTouch
~BFS-300 w/ 10MB RAM hack for Dream
~BFS-304 w/ 10MB RAM hack for Dream only (this is the latest "test3" BFS port. If you flash this you are living dangerously)
~BFS-300 w/o 10MB RAM hack for Dream/MyTouch
~Fixed FC error on Teeter
* Of course, this ROM builds upon all of the advances stretching from jacHEROski until now.

SenseHERO-v1.2 - Your Choice

* New root@DesertLake-Labs
~BFS 300 w/ 10MB kernel hack
~BFS 300 w/o 10MB hack
~BFS 240 w/o 10MB hack
* Flash 9 is working
* Enhanced audio files by MikeTaylor00 (using Meltus` method)
~Better sound quality than stock
~Louder without distortion
~Exclusive Headset Boost method
* Updated user.conf
~Increased Compcache Memlimit
~Recommended 96MB swap partition
* All System apps on internal memory
~ Using @TwistedUmbrell`s apps. They were originally based off of this build and he did the work of optimizing them and giving them a nice theme. He was also kind enough to explain how he did it, so expect Manup`s theme on the next build.
* Included Missed Call application as a work around for LED issues
* Removed automatic execution of fix_permissions on first boot - run manually if needed






No Theme

This is not my Rom I take no credit for this !!!!!
Looks good, but it appears to be a GSM theme, so no attempts for me. So far it looks as if Modaco's is the only CDMA based ROM at the moment, but I'm sure we'll see them exploding all over the place here soon :) Thanks Goku.