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Slideout Menu not visible in new themes


Hey Guys,

Wanted to do a quick sanity check... I've been playing with the config tool and touchflo 3d themes on my Fuze and I remember that the slidout keyboard home page was carrying thru to the new themes and now after several restore and applies they don't on vist, alienware, amon others, o2 blue seems to the closest to the default touchflo menu in that it has the keyboard homepage but its black and not blue and I remember it being blue and white... do I need to do a hard reset and startover? Its no big deal as I don't have much on the phone yet... (still new) but let me know some best practice around this process should I remove my storage card, etc. I'm thinking yes but want to hear from the community. I've been off the windows mobile platform for a while and when I was on it last it was version 5 and I didn't do anything to it so I'm a newbie in all intensive purposes :-)..> Thanks!
Hey Guys,

Wanted to do a quick sanity check... I've been playing with the config tool and touchflo 3d themes on my Fuze and I remember that the slidout keyboard home page was carrying thru to the new themes and now after several restore and applies they don't on vist, alienware, amon others, o2 blue seems to the closest to the default touchflo menu in that it has the keyboard homepage but its black and not blue and I remember it being blue and white... do I need to do a hard reset and startover? Its no big deal as I don't have much on the phone yet... (still new) but let me know some best practice around this process should I remove my storage card, etc. I'm thinking yes but want to hear from the community. I've been off the windows mobile platform for a while and when I was on it last it was version 5 and I didn't do anything to it so I'm a newbie in all intensive purposes :-)..> Thanks!

yeah i would try to do the hard reset...... but while you are at it why dont you just flash to a custom rom at the same time :>
Are the ROM's phone agnostic I have a Fuze... I may do that but need to make sure we got some solid docu's because I'm a newb when it comes to flashing on these bad boys... I'll let you know how it all works out :-)
Are the ROM's phone agnostic I have a Fuze... I may do that but need to make sure we got some solid docu's because I'm a newb when it comes to flashing on these bad boys... I'll let you know how it all works out :-)

make sure you use a gsm version... we dont have any here so you will want to check out xda-developers since they are roms specialists for gsm but dont have the apps we do.....
Will definitely check them out.. btw there's an application posted here with a link that has an embedded trojan and ad spam the app I think was called winterface v1.x can remember the exact name will try and find it after I finish wiping my pc down :-). Thanks again for the advice I'll let you know how it goes :)
Will definitely check them out.. btw there's an application posted here with a link that has an embedded trojan and ad spam the app I think was called winterface v1.x can remember the exact name will try and find it after I finish wiping my pc down :-). Thanks again for the advice I'll let you know how it goes :)

its not a virus or trojan.... you are running a cheap antivirus like norton, kapersky, stop sign, or something similiar that will read some cracks, patches, and keygens as trojans..... known fact with the above cheap/common throw on virus scans. thats why i use nod32
I use AVG which dominates the ones you listed however I'll check out the nod32 that you mentioned :)

avg isnt the best bro trust me it picks up a lot of the virus and trojans in files that dont contain them..... ask anyone around here or any other forum nod32 is the shit :>
Not to say nothing about NOD cause it is GREAT, but laugh or say what you want. SPY SWEEPER IS THE BOMB...yes its a little hog on memory, but its graet.
Not to say nothing about NOD cause it is GREAT, but laugh or say what you want. SPY SWEEPER IS THE BOMB...yes its a little hog on memory, but its graet.

naw spysweeper has caused more troubles than good if you look at the trustworthy reviews...... i tried it and it made some errors (researched into decompiling and shifting through to be sure) and than i use nod and reads nothing........ (it has never been the other way around) but personal choice i guess.
Hey Guys,

So that not so mallicious link crippled me for some reason whatever I managed to get (most likely from the fileshare site itself and not here!!!!) it blocked my in ability to surf and look for antivirus and spyware that would wipe it. Luckily I back up everything and easily am up and running after a rebuild. Just a heads up sounds like the antivirus you guys have is far more superior check the link and see what happens but it had to have been the fileshare site itself serving some craziass ad bug.:pleasantry:
Hey Guys,

So that not so mallicious link crippled me for some reason whatever I managed to get (most likely from the fileshare site itself and not here!!!!) it blocked my in ability to surf and look for antivirus and spyware that would wipe it. Luckily I back up everything and easily am up and running after a rebuild. Just a heads up sounds like the antivirus you guys have is far more superior check the link and see what happens but it had to have been the fileshare site itself serving some craziass ad bug.:pleasantry:

huh most likely is the hosting site... thats why i stick with ones like rapidshare and megaupload since they can be trusted unlike some others that have mad advertisements for dating and other bs.
Hey guys after clearing my storage to default and rebuilding, etc... when I apply custom themes that are touchflo 3d-based on my fuze its not showing both homepages.

Is this because the theme authors need to apply a new them page that rebrands the slideout keyboard homepage? Any help would be AWESOME THANKS... if it helps I'm currently using the AlienX kick ass theme and it has this issue I'll try to take a screenshot.:PDT_Armataz_11:

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Here's a picture of what exactly is happening hopefully this helps... thanks again.


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--------- New Post Merged on 5/12/2008 at 03:44:09 --------

Sorry having trouble attaching and posting an image so apologies for the broken links.
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Hey guys after clearing my storage to default and rebuilding, etc... when I apply custom themes that are touchflo 3d-based on my fuze its not showing both homepages.

Is this because the theme authors need to apply a new them page that rebrands the slideout keyboard homepage? Any help would be AWESOME THANKS... if it helps I'm currently using the AlienX kick ass theme and it has this issue I'll try to take a screenshot.:PDT_Armataz_11:

most will make it but they dont skin the landscape mode... in the alienx version it doesnt support landscape.
So after having no power for 8 days I can report that deploying RRE Fuze ROM was the best choice up to now will most likely upgrade to his v2 FINAL but we'll see so many out there... I'm addicted lol... NAFTO's looks really good too and really lightweight. I'll keep you posted. Did you lose power too that ice storm was crazy!