- #1
Thread Owner
: TweetyBear
i have some news for you guys. many have inquired about relationship between dash and myself. i answer them and they are sent on their merry way. well, now the beast can't be contained anymore. it has to be unleashed to the world. dash and i are getting hitched soon. over the past couple of years, we have grown closer and closer to each other and fell in love. we wanted the AMJ family to be the first to know about our open relationship and soon to be union. we have plans to get married in california on the sandy beaches and honeymoon in hawaii, to complete our trip to 50 states, right hun? the date is set to be on july 4, 2010. we have planned this for some time now and thought to give AMJ first dibs on this information. when the time comes, we will invite the AMJ family and all those who wish to come. whew..glad that's off my chest. been holding it in forever! i love you babe