Spb Mobile Shell 2.1.1 Beta 3 (build 3500)


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OG Member
For you dashy!!!!!!!!!!!​
even its beta last build

Selboriyorker Mobile Shell 2.1.1 Beta 3 (build 3500)

Now Screen - The Most important Information on One Screen
Now Screen gives you quick and enjoyable way to check the status. You can see your most important information with a quick glance. Even more importantly, you get the quickest and most direct way to respond as needed. For example, you can open your Inbox to read new emails with just a tap or with a couple of hardware key clicks.

Now Screen contains:

* Date and time
* Missed calls and unread messages
* Phone profile
* Next alarms and appointments, calendar
* Battery and signal levels
* Weather forecast

cab and key is attached and exe file


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can someone give me a serial, i tried the keygen and couldn't get it to open. let me know and i will pm my device name
the problem isn't with me unziping and finding the keygen, i found it and tried to open it but it will not let me it gives me an error messege everytime
the problem isn't with me unziping and finding the keygen, i found it and tried to open it but it will not let me it gives me an error messege everytime
i just downloaded the exe file in a matter of seconds, and opened up fine, pm me if you are still having trouble, slick
when i attempt to download programs my mogul gives me a attention stating..."not valid Pocket PC application....its with every application i attempt to download...any ideas?
that's a new one on me, but your more likely to get an accurate response in the proper thread....this thread is for Selboriyorker Mobile Shell, not installation of programs support, bro..