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SPB Mobile Shell [Tricks Tips and Hacks]


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Tricks : Overview !

How to add new configurable panel in the carousel?

How to change panels name:
Go to HKLM \ Software \ Selboriyorker Software House 2 \ Selboriyorker Mobile Shell \ NowScreen \ Panels and inside there are 12 keys (folders) numbered 0 to 11, inside modified text value, them so that they are thus:
Text (the name you like)

Get ThumbCal into Selboriyorker.
Download the *.zip file below
The *.zip includes just two files:
Just copy the two files to the installed Selboriyorker Mobile map and execute the
ThumbCalSelboriyorkerShellReg.exe file, that's it.

How to get G-Alarm instead of default alarm?
- Install VJBrisk
- Go in Program files/Vijay555/vjbrisk
- Inside this folder, there are VJBrisk.exe, make a copy of it.
- rename this copy into clock.exe
- rename old /windows/clock.exe to anyname or just copy clock.exe into other place for the purpose other time can restore back default alarm.
- replace this new clock.exe into window/
- Go in G-alarm folder
- create a shortcut of G-alarm.exe
- rename it in clocklnk (don't forget the lnk at the end. : clocklnk.lnk)
- Put this shortcut into /windows/
This could work for other applications ! List them : Klaxon OK;

Extension of the lifestyle virtual screen to more pages:
HKLM/software/selboriyorker software house 2/selboriyorker mobile shell/widgets/homescreen
"pagecount" = 6 for exampe, save, softreset

From TF3D to Selboriyorker
- Leave Selboriyorker : Launcher/Reglages/Selboriyorker Mobile Shell 3 : down button, leave it.
- Start TF3D in Settings\Today.

Additional folders in Menu:
- Go to HKLM\Software\Selboriyorker Software House 2\Selboriyorker Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\
- Create a new key called whatever you want your new folder to be.
- Copy the contents of the 'My Shortcuts' key into the one you just created
- Change the value of the 'Text' string to be the name of the folder.
Changing the 'Index' value changes which position in the grid the folder appears (0 is top left, 8 is bottom right). The 'Image' value will change the icon as follows:
0 = Toolbox
1 = Phone with envelope
2 = Globe
3 = Calendar
4 = Shortcuts
5 = Program Folder
6 = Camera and clapperboard
7 = Cog/Spanner

Make folders editable or removable
Unlock the Selboriyorker Menu so you can add and remove links as you wish.
Navigate to: HKLM>Software>Selboriyorker Software House 2>Menu>Root
In there you will find folders that correspond to the menu items in the Selboriyorker Menu. E.G: Internet
You need to go into the folder and add a DWORD value called "Add" with the value of "1".
Once this is done, go to Selboriyorker Menu and open the Menu Catagory. Click the options button (bottom right) and you will see 3 new buttons.

Other soft for the SMS ?
Go to: HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Shell/Rai/:MSINBOX
Change key 1 (default : Tmail) with your soft
> for exemple SMS-Chat : "\ Program Files \ VITO \ SMS-Chat \ SMSChat.exe"
Don't forget the "

How to change Softkey : Today and TF3D
Today left softkey:
[Default] = Text
Open = Path of your programm

Today right softkey:
[Default] = Text
Open = Path of your programm

TouchFlo 3D left softkey:
HomeLSKText = Text
HomeLSKPath = Path of your programm

TouchFlo 3D right softkey:
HomeRSKText = Text
HomeRSKPath = Path of your programm

Original Link

--------- New Post Merged on 23/4/2009 at 10:18:46 --------

-How to add new configurable panel in the carousel -

-Remove to the PC from pda the following file program files \ selboriyorker mobile shell \ qa-layout.dat
- Open it with Winzip using the key b0fm18zq, of inside we extract to the PC the LockScreen2.xml file, we open it with a publisher of xml (I recommend Notepad++) we modified the line:

<ScrollY Value="Off"/>
<DialogObject Value="Selboriyorker.Data.LockScreen2"/>
<String Name="RegKey" Value="HomeScreen"/>
<Int Name="PageCount" Value="3"/>
<Int Name="Background" Value="1"/>
<Skin Skin="qa_misc_now" MiddleSkin="ma_misc_now" DoubleSkin="va_misc_now"/>


<ScrollY Value="Off"/>
<DialogObject Value="Selboriyorker.Data.LockScreen2"/>
<String Name="RegKey" Value="HomeScreen2"/>
<Int Name="PageCount" Value="3"/>
<Int Name="Background" Value="1"/>
<Skin Skin="qa_misc_now" MiddleSkin="ma_misc_now" DoubleSkin="va_misc_now"/>

-We kept it as LockScreen3.xml, again put it in qa_Layout.dat (using the same key, if you have not closed the window zip during the process you can copy inside and only accept).
- We again put qa_Layout.dat to its site in the PDA (program files \ selboriyorker mobile shell)

Now it is necessary to publish the registries I recommend (Rescoexplorer)
- We go to HKLM \ Software \ Selboriyorker Software House 2 \ Selboriyorker Mobile Shell \ NowScreen \ Panels and inside there are 12 keys (folders) numbered 0 to 11, we add a new key (folder) with name 12, open key 1 we copied the values and paste it in new key 12,we modified, them so that they are thus:
(value nondefined)
(the name you like)

- Now we go HKLM \ Software \ Selboriyorker Software House 2 \ Selboriyorker Mobile Shell \ NowScreen \ Layouts, we add a new key (folder) call here :HOME3, we open :HOME2 copy the values paste it in :HOME3, within we modified them to :HOME3 so that they are thus:



Make one softreset, the next time when you open carousel, can see that this has a new configurable panel like the one of " LifeStyle" , the problem this in which the equal wallpaper to LifeStyle Home" and you can't change it neither to panels‚¦ This I put bond to add to new panels exponentially lockscreen4, HOME4,13. .ectect‚¦ Also can remove panels:
- We go to HKLM \ Software \ Selboriyorker Software House 2 \ Selboriyorker Mobile Shell \ NowScreen \ Panels and inside there are 12 keys (folders) numbered 0 to 11, within each there is a key that it indicates to that function belongs....LifeStyle Home is the 0, professional Home the 1‚¦ is only necessary to be opening them and to see its name once located for example removing professional design we eliminated key 1 and the one that was the two consecutively happens to be the 1 and thus rename all, it cannot have jumps among them‚¦ Clearly?

CABFILE for add one new panel in carousel:http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=9jr55o1otvd thanks to setnades from htcmania[/quote]

Original link
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NOT MY WORK!!!!!!!!!!

dunno if its been posted before..

Left and Right swipe option on the Professional home screen

the menubarcontacts.xml has the code. go into it and you will see what im talking about.

Plugin Class="Selboriyorker.LSP.MenuBar" Name="Contacts" ID="12">
<String Name="Open" Value=":TIME"/>
<String Name="OpenL" Value=":HOME"/>
<String Name="OpenR" Value=":WEATHER"/>
<Int Name="isActive" Value="1"/>
<Int Name="Replace" Value="1"/>
<String Name="Backgrd" Value="MenuBackgrd"/>
<String Name="Icons" Value="Icons"/>
<Rect Name="SrcIcon" X="0" Y="100" Width="48" Height="50"/>

i changed the values of the open,openl,openr to :TIME :WEATHER and :HOME. you have to do that for each button. then i saved it as menubar3.xml. i then edited the lockscreen, time and weather xmls by changing the menu info on the very top to Layer Name="Menu" Dialog="MenuBar3"/. zipped them back into the layouts.dat

exit and restart ms3 from selboriyorker settings menu or restart.. now i csn swipe through those pages from the professional screen.. this bssically will allow people who sctually know what the hell they are doing to make the pro screen be like ms2. i only tried it fast to see if the swiping works, but i did not edit the skins or add a panel button in the corner. youll see what i mean..

also to change the text on the pro page for launcher snd contacts, edit the menubar.xml file.

dont give me no lip about spelling or my post format, im still doin all my research/editing directly from the omnia. :) hope this info helps.

Original link

Widgets : Overview

SamuriseClear mixed with gbOmnia Weather iCons 4 MSH3
- VGA :

Big Digital Clock
- WVGA :
- VGA :
If bug for VGA :
- QVGA :

MS3 Lifestyle Widgets (Pro Series)
- WVGA/WQVGA/QVGA (zip files) :

Digital Pro Clock
- VGA :
- QVGA :

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More tricks
How to scroll left and right in the professional panel?
Add Selboriyorker Menu button to main screen
Call Selboriyorker Menu from the main screen, with a button between Launcher and Contacts buttons on the bottom - use < attached CAB >
Caution: This will overwrite your qa_layouts.dat customizations, so make a backup!
Map hardware button to contacts carousel
Go to windows/start menu/programs/selboriyorker mobile shell and make a duplicate of the selboriyorkercontacts.lnk or an other one.. change the link properties to "\Program Files\Selboriyorker Mobile Shell\MenuLauncher.exe" -cmd:"dlg|:MANAGEFAVS" then map it to a button
Is there a way, that the launcher opens not the favorites/Recently used programs but the Selboriyorker Menu?
How to put personal wallpaper in any panel (except the lifestyle panel)?
How to put 2 independent "lifestyle panels" with 2 different wallpapers.
If you don't want to soft reset each time you change anything
All the key from the Shell

More widgets
Toms Clock Pack
- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3705898&postcount=527
Pack of Weather iCons 4 MSH3
- VGA : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=507697&page=49#482
- VGA : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3706116&postcount=533
Looking for a way to toggle between Mobile Shell 3's Now screen and the classic Today using a hardware key, a link or button in MS3, or whatever else?
SBSH Calendar Touch - Shell integration utility available
How to disable landscape mode?
Does anyone know of a hack to remove the Lifestyle tabs althogether?
How to kill taskbar and have Selboriyorker in fullscreen?
Is it possible to get rid of the day numbers of the calendar and show as many appointments as possible?
Change Menubutton to lead to Carousel
Is there a way to change icons for apps? like in Pocket Plus?
How to add Task Manager panel in the carousel
- By a < CAB >
- Method : [URL="https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fshowpost.php%3Fp%3D3713363%26postcount%3D627"]http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3713363&postcount=627[/URL]
How to add a Wireless panel in the carousel
A second screen for favorite contact?
Make the menubar have multiple buttons and slide between those panels - Post #593 AND #594
I don't want a launcher that has all of my programs, many I only need occasional access to...
CAB which install the Selboriyorker Menu Editor in MS folder and add reg key to have this editor available in the settings og MS3
Nicaragüense took the time to write down how to add a 3rd button manually to the menubars in the Pro and Life panels, but also in the others
Holidays in MS3 Calendar:
In Outlook 2007 activate local holidays for your given country in tools/option/calendar options/add holidays/choose country (or similar, I have German Outlook SP2). Sync over activesync, holidays will appear in MS3 calendar
Change background image
QVGA : [URL="https://www.androidmobilejunkie.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D507697%26page%3D57%23563"]http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=507697&page=57#563[/URL]
You can probably adapt it by changing 240 & 320 number by the one corresping to your resolution
All grid or all list by a simple CAB?
Changing layout of Selboriyorker Menu forlders
HKLM>Software>Selboriyorker Software House 2>Menu>Root
There are selboriyorker menu folders.
Go into any folder you want change layout.
Add or change a String Value "DrawType" with value "Grid" or "List".
Now you can see that menu in grid or list layout.
How to put the inferior bar transparant (professional & lifestyle one) in the rest of the panels?
How to scroll left and right in the professional panel?
Add Selboriyorker Menu button to main screen
Call Selboriyorker Menu from the main screen, with a button between Launcher and Contacts buttons on the bottom - use < attached CAB >
Caution: This will overwrite your qa_layouts.dat customizations, so make a backup!
The custom ROM I have installed won't let me move, rename or copy over the clock.exe file in the windows folder (for the G-Alarm tweak). Is there anyway around this??