[NEWS] SPJ on Palm Pre


The VenumX Factor
Yooo VenumX here, just postin this in case anyone was worried about not bein able to access our beloved AMJ site on the Palm Pre. AMJ works flawlessly on the pre was just postin on it earlier...screeenshootttsssss..


Man.... This thread makes me Jizz in My Pants! :lol: On the real though, I cant wait to get mine..

How do you like the PRE STOCK compared to a TP STOCK? Just curious... Try not to think of customization too much

Pre stock is a lot more stable than tp stock and it doesnt lag at all... so easy to use, all the apps work on it now that come stock so its a real fun phone to mess with, beat the pre in connect four today...pretty proud of that. You gonna like it a lot bro.
thats dam sick.. But on the real is it a biger phone like the mougl ??? How fast is the net on that phone... ?
I can't wait to get my hands on this phone.... but....my only reservation is I've had my mogul for awhile now and I've pretty much used AMJ as my main source of any modification and customization on my phone.
The Pre is gonna be running WebOS which is going to be the first smart phone I own that isn't running WM.
Will the magic makers here at AMJ be doing for the Pre what they helped me do for my beloved Mogul??!!! That is my only reservation. This is the best site I have ever used for modding my phone and running nice apps.
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I can't wait to get my hands on this phone.... but....my only reservation is I've had my mogul for awhile now and I've pretty much used AMJ as my main source of any modification and customization on my phone.
The Pre is gonna be running WebOS which is going to be the first smart phone I own that isn't running WM.
Will the magic makers here at AMJ be doing for the Pre what they helped me do for my beloved Mogul??!!! That is my only reservation. This is the best site I have ever used for modding my phone and running nice apps.

we're gonna do that to the best of our ability. we like to have the latest and greatest phones on this site and dash and I both ahve this phone so we good bro :P
I can't wait to get my hands on this phone.... but....my only reservation is I've had my mogul for awhile now and I've pretty much used AMJ as my main source of any modification and customization on my phone.
The Pre is gonna be running WebOS which is going to be the first smart phone I own that isn't running WM.
Will the magic makers here at AMJ be doing for the Pre what they helped me do for my beloved Mogul??!!! That is my only reservation. This is the best site I have ever used for modding my phone and running nice apps.

glad you love AMJ as the rest of us :) and we will do our best to build and have the most powerful site for not only wm but also this new os..... (everyone will be starting from scratch so heres our chance to be on the top :)

Reviewers say its great, alot better then the Touch Pro

to me there is no way to tell yet if this is better than the pro.... will have to wait for the app store to open and see what gets made and released freeware and shareware wise.
glad you love AMJ as the rest of us :) and we will do our best to build and have the most powerful site for not only wm but also this new os..... (everyone will be starting from scratch so heres our chance to be on the top :)

to me there is no way to tell yet if this is better than the pro.... will have to wait for the app store to open and see what gets made and released freeware and shareware wise.

Thanks Dash and Venum. You guys really put on a helluva show here and I can't wait to see what crazy stuff all you guys come up with when the Pre hits the consumer.