Hey guys,
So after many days of testing a bunch of shit on my hero, and going back and forth with zinxs amazing programming knowledge in #android-root we were finally able to get the Sprint Hero rooted! woohoo! Visit zinx's site below to download the latest version of the rooting software, its so easy!
follow this one, its a little complicated but it gives you root access to do whatever you wish
Default How to root the CDMA Hero
Ok everyone. First off do not update your phone if Sprint offers an upate. I don't think they are going to but if they do anytime soon and you update this exploit could likely be fixed. When updates are released the devs will make updates that keep root so do not update!
That said, this is a very newbie guide. This is meant for Windows but I will post instructions for linux as well (Ubuntu). I just need to warn you that I can't adb into my phone from Ubuntu so I have to do it through Windows. Don't know why it doesnt work but it doesnt. Mac users you can always (assuming you can get it to work in Ubuntu) download a live cd and boot into Ubuntu to try this. I don't have a mac (nor do I want one) so I can't give instructions (though I assume they should be relatively the same).
Step 1:
First you need to download the Android SDK. It may soumd confusing but it's not. There are tools in here that we need. You can get it from
. This is a modular SDK and all the tools we need are in this download. Once downloaded you just need to extract it in a directory of choice.
The next thing we download is asroot2. This is a script that was developed that runs an exploit in Android's linux that allows us to run root. The link for that is here:
. Unzip that file and place it in a directory of your choice. Also download
and place that into the same directory you extracted asroot2.
Step 2:
Connect the phone to the USB port.
Ubuntu is easy for this (again assuming it works for you). Simply open a terminal and cd into the directory that you extracted the sdk into. Then cd into the tools directory. Then run the following commands:
sudo ./adb push /directory_you_placed_asroot2/asroot2 /data/local/
sudo ./adb shell chmod 0755 /data/local/asroot2
/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/bin
cat sh > su
chmod 4755 su
If all goes well you should be presented with a new prompt. This is the linux terminal built into Android. This will allow us to execute all the commands we need to execute because the asroot2 script gave us root access.
In Windows it is a little more difficult. You have to first install the driver for the phone. When Windows asks you for the drivers direct Windows to the directory you extracted the SDK into. You should see a folder called usb_driver. If you are running the 32 bit version of Windows select the x86 folder. If you are using a 64 bit version then select the x64 folder. Then select the android_usb.inf file. This should install the drivers.
If running XP or lower you will need to go to the start menu and click run, then you enter cmd and press enter. If Vista or higher you will press the start button and type cmd and press enter. When you are at the command prompt you cd to the directory you extracted the sdk into. Then cd into the tools directory. Then execute the following commands:
adb push /directory_you_placed_asroot2/asroot2 /data/local/
adb shell
chmod 0755 /data/local/asroot2
/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/bin
cat sh > su
chmod 4755 su
Now your phone is officially rooted! We arent done yet though. Now you need to flash the recovery image. If you are still in adb shell type in exit until you are out. You should be in the directory where you extracted the recovery image. If not go there. Type in the following:
adb push recovery-RA-heroc-v1.2.3.img /sdcard/
Once that is done, type in adb shell (or sudo ./adb shell in ubuntu). If your command prompt is a dollar sign then type in su and press enter. If it is a pound sign you are good. Then type in the following:
adb shell flash_image recovery recovery-RA-heroc-v1.2.3.img
Once that is finished you are done. To reboot into recovery type in adb shell reboot recovery. You should reboot into recovery mode. Right now there is not a lot you can do but once we have some devs who make some roms then we will be well on our way to an even more awesome phone. Any questions please ask away. Also, I am sorry if this tutorial is hard to understand or badly laid out. My daughter is crawling all over me so it's hard to type or think. Good luck all and thanks to everyone who rooted this phone and made the recovery and did such a great job!
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originally posted here:
So after many days of testing a bunch of shit on my hero, and going back and forth with zinxs amazing programming knowledge in #android-root we were finally able to get the Sprint Hero rooted! woohoo! Visit zinx's site below to download the latest version of the rooting software, its so easy!
follow this one, its a little complicated but it gives you root access to do whatever you wish
Default How to root the CDMA Hero
Ok everyone. First off do not update your phone if Sprint offers an upate. I don't think they are going to but if they do anytime soon and you update this exploit could likely be fixed. When updates are released the devs will make updates that keep root so do not update!
That said, this is a very newbie guide. This is meant for Windows but I will post instructions for linux as well (Ubuntu). I just need to warn you that I can't adb into my phone from Ubuntu so I have to do it through Windows. Don't know why it doesnt work but it doesnt. Mac users you can always (assuming you can get it to work in Ubuntu) download a live cd and boot into Ubuntu to try this. I don't have a mac (nor do I want one) so I can't give instructions (though I assume they should be relatively the same).
Step 1:
First you need to download the Android SDK. It may soumd confusing but it's not. There are tools in here that we need. You can get it from
The next thing we download is asroot2. This is a script that was developed that runs an exploit in Android's linux that allows us to run root. The link for that is here:
Step 2:
Connect the phone to the USB port.
Ubuntu is easy for this (again assuming it works for you). Simply open a terminal and cd into the directory that you extracted the sdk into. Then cd into the tools directory. Then run the following commands:
sudo ./adb push /directory_you_placed_asroot2/asroot2 /data/local/
sudo ./adb shell chmod 0755 /data/local/asroot2
/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/bin
cat sh > su
chmod 4755 su
If all goes well you should be presented with a new prompt. This is the linux terminal built into Android. This will allow us to execute all the commands we need to execute because the asroot2 script gave us root access.
In Windows it is a little more difficult. You have to first install the driver for the phone. When Windows asks you for the drivers direct Windows to the directory you extracted the SDK into. You should see a folder called usb_driver. If you are running the 32 bit version of Windows select the x86 folder. If you are using a 64 bit version then select the x64 folder. Then select the android_usb.inf file. This should install the drivers.
If running XP or lower you will need to go to the start menu and click run, then you enter cmd and press enter. If Vista or higher you will press the start button and type cmd and press enter. When you are at the command prompt you cd to the directory you extracted the sdk into. Then cd into the tools directory. Then execute the following commands:
adb push /directory_you_placed_asroot2/asroot2 /data/local/
adb shell
chmod 0755 /data/local/asroot2
/data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
cd /system/bin
cat sh > su
chmod 4755 su
Now your phone is officially rooted! We arent done yet though. Now you need to flash the recovery image. If you are still in adb shell type in exit until you are out. You should be in the directory where you extracted the recovery image. If not go there. Type in the following:
adb push recovery-RA-heroc-v1.2.3.img /sdcard/
Once that is done, type in adb shell (or sudo ./adb shell in ubuntu). If your command prompt is a dollar sign then type in su and press enter. If it is a pound sign you are good. Then type in the following:
adb shell flash_image recovery recovery-RA-heroc-v1.2.3.img
Once that is finished you are done. To reboot into recovery type in adb shell reboot recovery. You should reboot into recovery mode. Right now there is not a lot you can do but once we have some devs who make some roms then we will be well on our way to an even more awesome phone. Any questions please ask away. Also, I am sorry if this tutorial is hard to understand or badly laid out. My daughter is crawling all over me so it's hard to type or think. Good luck all and thanks to everyone who rooted this phone and made the recovery and did such a great job!
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