sprint navagation issues


hey guys i own a mogul with nuerom 6.1 build 5060 and everytime i try to use sprint navagation i get a error report saying "telenav cannot generate route at this time" i have my gps com port set to 4 is there somethin im missing your support will be greatly appreciated thank you
hey guys i own a mogul with nuerom 6.1 build 5060 and everytime i try to use sprint navagation i get a error report saying "telenav cannot generate route at this time" i have my gps com port set to 4 is there somethin im missing your support will be greatly appreciated thank you

you dont need to set com for sprint nav
at least i never did at all.
i've been using tom tom forever. is garmin way better than tomtom?
yes garmin is better, but i still use sprint NAV! SPRINT 4 life! Just kidding! and on the topic, i never had that error before. ty uninstalling and reinstallin again. if not try a different sprint nav cab file
tom tom sucks compared to garmin...first of for me no other gps has commercial routing..garmin does...thats why i use it..
Upload the GARMIN file on here...i kno there is one out but it's only the update version so no voices and stuff will be downloaded...

do you have the voices and stuff on ur GARMIN?