Sprint Ridiculous Customer Service


Thought I would share my experience so far well since the end of May. So one day my text messaging stops working when Im at home (which yes is roaming but it worked before). So I called advanced technical support. They worked and worked and worked on it. I asked them to rebuild my account profile they refused. Days of being on the phone later (and I mean days like 20 or so) they decided to cancel my account and give me a new phone number. Surprise, surprise it worked. Only one problem the number is not a local number for my area and my grandmother doesnt have long distance. So I beg them to give me a new phone number that is local. And yea they cant they dont have any available. The ONLY exchange they have available is for a city 56 miles (1 hr) away according to MapQuest. This is ridiculous. I have been hung up on. I have been promised MULTIPLE call backs and have never received them. I have threatened to cancel not without the ETF (because I dont qualify to have it waived) what exactly does qualify. I have threatened to contact the FCC and the BBB. Nothing has worked. I have spent many entire days on the phone with nothing to being resolved. I have called in waited 45 mins to ask about a ticket that was put in only for the rep to tell me that they couldnt pull it up!!!!!!!!!!! Come on this isnt customer service this is crap. So I guess if the issue isnt resolved I will contact the FCC and BBB and so that I dont have to pay the ETF I will set the phone to roam only and on unlimited nights and weekends I will just make more calls than they could imagine. I have free roaming on my account they get a bill each month for roaming minutes so if they want to play this game by god Im going to play it too. If they dont cancel me and waive the ETF then they are stupid because I have free roaming and Im not paying for it. They will regret jerking me around.
Thought I would share my experience so far well since the end of May. So one day my text messaging stops working when Im at home (which yes is roaming but it worked before). So I called advanced technical support. They worked and worked and worked on it. I asked them to rebuild my account profile they refused. Days of being on the phone later (and I mean days like 20 or so) they decided to cancel my account and give me a new phone number. Surprise, surprise it worked. Only one problem the number is not a local number for my area and my grandmother doesnt have long distance. So I beg them to give me a new phone number that is local. And yea they cant they dont have any available. The ONLY exchange they have available is for a city 56 miles (1 hr) away according to MapQuest. This is ridiculous. I have been hung up on. I have been promised MULTIPLE call backs and have never received them. I have threatened to cancel not without the ETF (because I dont qualify to have it waived) what exactly does qualify. I have threatened to contact the FCC and the BBB. Nothing has worked. I have spent many entire days on the phone with nothing to being resolved. I have called in waited 45 mins to ask about a ticket that was put in only for the rep to tell me that they couldnt pull it up!!!!!!!!!!! Come on this isnt customer service this is crap. So I guess if the issue isnt resolved I will contact the FCC and BBB and so that I dont have to pay the ETF I will set the phone to roam only and on unlimited nights and weekends I will just make more calls than they could imagine. I have free roaming on my account they get a bill each month for roaming minutes so if they want to play this game by god Im going to play it too. If they dont cancel me and waive the ETF then they are stupid because I have free roaming and Im not paying for it. They will regret jerking me around.

email them. i found that this works more than calling them for more serious issues. and mention goin to at&t...lol
email them. i found that this works more than calling them for more serious issues. and mention goin to at&t...lol
i have threatend that i thought that threating to contact the fcc and bbb would do something but i guess they dont care now im on the phone with advanced tech support right now actually have been for about 2 hrs and we still are getting nothing accomplished more of the same stuff everyone else has done bla and she keep saying lets try picture mail now??? i never even mentioned picture mail wtf
i have threatend that i thought that threating to contact the fcc and bbb would do something but i guess they dont care now im on the phone with advanced tech support right now actually have been for about 2 hrs and we still are getting nothing accomplished more of the same stuff everyone else has done bla and she keep saying lets try picture mail now??? i never even mentioned picture mail wtf

and now she is telling me that the local # i first had was canceled I NEVER CANCELED THAT # i did tell her that she better get someone who can get that # back and quick
i have threatend that i thought that threating to contact the fcc and bbb would do something but i guess they dont care now im on the phone with advanced tech support right now actually have been for about 2 hrs and we still are getting nothing accomplished more of the same stuff everyone else has done bla and she keep saying lets try picture mail now??? i never even mentioned picture mail wtf

idk what to tell u...there's a list of direct numbers up here somewhere dont know if that would help
its like talking to a wall when u call to this place when i told her she better get someone to get that # back she put me on hold then laughed and said her sup just went on break i said well u better go find him she said i dont knwo where he went
its like talking to a wall when u call to this place when i told her she better get someone to get that # back she put me on hold then laughed and said her sup just went on break i said well u better go find him she said i dont knwo where he went
Bro, here is what you do! you pay a laywer $50-$100 to get a copy the written contract and have him highlight everything he sees them violating on the contract and he'll fax it over to them and tell them that they will seem him in court! This worked for someone and I ain't mentioning no names!
Bro, here is what you do! you pay a laywer $50-$100 to get a copy the written contract and have him highlight everything he sees them violating on the contract and he'll fax it over to them and tell them that they will seem him in court! This worked for someone and I ain't mentioning no names!

hahahaha MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao but yeah they violated their end of their contract by changing the number without consent first of all and number 2 they cant do what they are doing because they said that they dont have any numbers in your aqrea so by law if they dont have service in your area their is no way that they can make you pay the early termination fee..... mention both to them asnd see what they say...... theres no way around that for sure and thats is in their contract so tell them to read it and weap bitches.
I agree! Some of sprint customers service reps are just fucking stupid!
Yesterday my sister bought a mogul. She called to add sprint nav to her vision pack and the guy told her that the mogul was not GPS capable. My sister told him it was and that I (her brother) was using it as they spoke! He said that it shouldnt be accesible and that if I was using it it was because I had modified the phone which according to him would go against her insurance terms! She got pissed and hung up on him lol.

(a bit off topic but still on topic).
hey guys sorry i been away been busy and whatnot so they finally got their shit together i am getting 1000 mins a month for $40, free unlimited inet, 7.50 for unlimited txts, they sent me an airave for free, free service for 2 years, oh and i just called and got tech support to replace my pos mogul with a touch pro and didnt even have to use insurance or resign a contract. they charged the 640 to my accnt then they refuned it all :) i win
hey guys sorry i been away been busy and whatnot so they finally got their shit together i am getting 1000 mins a month for $40, free unlimited inet, 7.50 for unlimited txts, they sent me an airave for free, free service for 2 years, oh and i just called and got tech support to replace my pos mogul with a touch pro and didnt even have to use insurance or resign a contract. they charged the 640 to my accnt then they refuned it all :) i win
congrats and looks like you have a pretty good plan going on there and you cant ***** about getting a touch pro : >
congrats and looks like you have a pretty good plan going on there and you cant ***** about getting a touch pro : >

no i cant i think the touch pro is great i was having a problem where when i took a pic then hit the back key to save it it would just keep the busy icon up they relaced my tp free of charge lol and i installed all my apps it did it again i did a hard reset i think i have narrowed it down to the speed up memory card app that is causing the problem