Sprint SERO question


I was lucky enough to get on the SERO plans for myself and my fiance before Sprint took them away. Anyway we are coming up for upgrade and I'm getting the impression we will have to switch to the new everything plus plans if we do the actual upgrade. My fiance has the first Rumor and wants the Samsung Exclaim, would there be any problems buying the phone outright and doing an ESN change? Any help would be greatly appreciated :D Thanks in advance.
well I actually do believe that they can not force you too actually upgrade your plan you dont even have to resign your plan for more time I would just inquire about doing and equipment update and if they say you have swithc plans ask why because either of those phones do not require a certain plan and if they insist ask to talk to there supervisor because your at the end of your contract you can infact just tell them to f off and walk away and they lose a customer so they will be more than will to work with you.
my girl & i both have SERO, she has a diamond i have a touch pro. her phone was replaced via insurance from the vogue. i bought mine from a lady in town off craigslist. had no issues activating/using or abusing the phone/service or anything. sprint isn't gonna try too hard to make u go to another carrier by pissing you off. i suggest being super nice on the phone with them & if you dont like the answer one CSR gives you, hang up & try another one.
Thanks for your help. The reason I even asked is because I tried to do the upgrade online and the Sprint site said I would have to go through the new employee referral everything plus and I really don't want to change my plans so I wouldn't mind buying outright if I have to.

Again thanks for the help, I won't be upgrading until the end of the month but I will let you guys know how it went.
yeah you cant upgrade online, but best buy is great, im going to add a new sero line on Sept.6th or 8th... whenever the touch pro 2 comes out and then TOL the sero line LOL

Anyone want a Sero 500 line for 30 a month, if i can get them to mirror the line it will look like this.

i have 2 lines on sero and was able to upgrade with no problem, i got my upgrades at best buy... no rebates to wait on.

So when my contract is up in December I should be able to go to Best Buy and get a TP2 and stay on my current SERO 500? (original $30 SERO)
Really? I went to my actual sprint store here to see if they would be able to do it and they said that they couldn't touch SERO lines. I'm not doubting you just a little surprised :)

thats bullshit, i have sero accounts and have upgrades i can use whenever i want and have done in store and over the phone as well as at best buy. i would go in there and talk to a manager if they tell you that again.... and you cant use certain devices on sero like the instinct, palm pre, and many one or two others.
thats bullshit, i have sero accounts and have upgrades i can use whenever i want and have done in store and over the phone as well as at best buy. i would go in there and talk to a manager if they tell you that again.... and you cant use certain devices on sero like the instinct, palm pre, and many one or two others.

That's good to know, I never really thought the people that worked there knew what the hell they were doing. The guy told me they could get fired if they upgraded my phones that I would have to do it over the phone. If I could go to best buy that would be awesome. The phones we are looking at are the Samsung Exclaim and the Treo Pro.
That's good to know, I never really thought the people that worked there knew what the hell they were doing. The guy told me they could get fired if they upgraded my phones that I would have to do it over the phone. If I could go to best buy that would be awesome. The phones we are looking at are the Samsung Exclaim and the Treo Pro.

yeah you should have no troubles that i can see unless the pro has the block but i dont believe that it does.....
yeah you should have no troubles that i can see unless the pro has the block but i dont believe that it does.....

Right on thanks bro. The closest best buy is about 50 miles away so I should be headed down there Saturday so I'll let you guys know how it goes.
I was lucky enough to get on the SERO plans for myself and my fiance before Sprint took them away. Anyway we are coming up for upgrade and I'm getting the impression we will have to switch to the new everything plus plans if we do the actual upgrade. My fiance has the first Rumor and wants the Samsung Exclaim, would there be any problems buying the phone outright and doing an ESN change? Any help would be greatly appreciated :D Thanks in advance.

You will be good to go, the only phones that require the Everything plans are the Pre and the Instinct. If you get a PDA then you have to have a data plan of at least $25 to get the MIR

--------- New Post Merged on 20/8/2009 at 09:06:22 --------

You can't use them even if you were to buy it from ebay or craigslist or something? WTF?
No it doesn't matter where the phones come from, they still require the everything plans. It is unfortunate yes, but at least there are only two phones that require it and they aren't even that great of phones. Well the pre is nice, but the instinct isn't.
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No it doesn't matter where the phones come from, they still require the everything plans. It is unfortunate yes, but at least there are only two phones that require it and they aren't even that great of phones. Well the pre is nice, but the instinct isn't.

I was hoping to pick up a pre once they drop in price a little..... Hope they dont do that to the TP2
just in reference to a comment earlier about Sprint not touching SERO plans. I don't know if a SERO plan comes up as an employee plan or not, but it's true if it does. We cannot touch anyone account that has any kinda of employee discount on it or any employee plan on it. And I myself went to a corporate store and I work for Sprint as well and they were not even allowd to access my account at all. I have the same policy at my Sprint Store. Just an fyi for any wondering. I dont know if it has always been that way, but I can confirm it is now. I have my upgrade I'm saving for touch pro 2 when it drops. But before I use my upgrade, I'm gonna try to get mine thru tep since they quit selling the touch pro's already, they will run out in the warehouse just like the moguls and when they do I will get my pro2 for free like i did my touch pro. then I will have my upgrade still and my palm pre up for trade, smile... hopefully we get the Hero
just in reference to a comment earlier about Sprint not touching SERO plans. I don't know if a SERO plan comes up as an employee plan or not, but it's true if it does. We cannot touch anyone account that has any kinda of employee discount on it or any employee plan on it. And I myself went to a corporate store and I work for Sprint as well and they were not even allowd to access my account at all. I have the same policy at my Sprint Store. Just an fyi for any wondering. I dont know if it has always been that way, but I can confirm it is now. I have my upgrade I'm saving for touch pro 2 when it drops. But before I use my upgrade, I'm gonna try to get mine thru tep since they quit selling the touch pro's already, they will run out in the warehouse just like the moguls and when they do I will get my pro2 for free like i did my touch pro. then I will have my upgrade still and my palm pre up for trade, smile... hopefully we get the Hero

They are still selling the TP on sprints website, so how are they not selling them anymore?