OK here is the latest theme by PROBE-X-DESIGN for TF3D First off huge thanks to D/\SH for hooking me up with some testing equipment [TOUCH PRO] it kicks @ss mate.
Now because of this I have learned some interesting things about the diamond and the pro, first off the present theme manager Diamond TF3D Config v0.6.7 I can no longer recommend using this for applying themes. After testing this utility on various roms I have learned that there is far to many differences in each one for this program to handle properly.... esp when it comes to extra tabs or landscape mode unless the theme is built into the rom it will fail to operate properly. So I have decided the best thing to do is package it into a .cab file I have tested this on a few roms and it works flawlessly. This way it will keep the default landscape mode and tabs that are built into the rom.
.cab Way say you are running a rom with 14 tabs and a landscape mod with only 2 big tabs and the slider. My skin in .cab form will do the 14 tabs and the landscape mode will continue to work with the roms stock set up.
Theme Manager Way My skin will fail to load on 14 tabs due to a custom manilla file cooked into the rom activating the 14 or more tabs- or it will load but only show 8 tabs and landscape mode will fail to operate properly.
Cab form is the only way to properly apply themes on a custom rom
I have spoken... lol
Install Instructions
unzip the .zip file SPRINT Flip clock fix
move the manila files from inside the folder to your device [excluding the folder called back up... this is a backup of the stock sprint files for you to revert back to later if you want to change back to stock]
unload TF3D from your today screen settings start/settings/today/items/ uncheck Touchflow3D
From your device using totalcomander or whatever. move the manila files to your windows folder and overwrite when prompted.
reset your device and restart TF3D
see if its working with the new clock [it should be] test everything landscape ect....
if all is well load my theme.cab
reset.... and your good to go. .
1.load the .cab restart when prompted.
2.Put the wallpaper in your my documents folder on your ppc and select it from the touchflow settings wallpaper tab as active.
3.Tell PROBEX he is your hero
unistall instructions
SK tools or installed programs- uninstall PROBE-X-DESIGN cab & softreset
I will create a few of my standard goodies to go with this theme such as TLock skin maybe a dialer [we will see as again so many different ones running right now] and bootscreen/welcomescreen.
UPDATE: Its seems that even the .cab file install will not work on 1 or 2 customs roms still if yours is giving you problems and you don't care about the extra tabs or landscape mode then you may use the .theme file I have added. I still recommend attempting the .cab install first as if it works on your rom it is a much better set up.
UPDATE 2: Know working versions and setups
Juicy 4.7- working via the .cab install no additional steps needed
BIG JEWS MURDER ROM - only working with the .theme file install and landscape mode not functional
Stock Sprint rom-working after installing the sprint clock fix and then install via the PROBEX.cab
Juggalo touch pro rom-working via .cab install no problems
Runs beautifully on Touch Pro with VZW Stock rom
Running one of my themes??? add this to your signature. I will host the image.
Thanks for your support.
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