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Palm WebOs Super Hangman + Global High Score


Owner - Staff
This Super Hangman game challenges the user with over 1,000 words in a fun way of studying for the SAT, GRE, TOEFL, GMAT vocabulary test. Words vary from simple to complex but are easy to learn while playing the game. 16,000 words will be added in the stable version.


  • Relax and Challenge mode
  • Challenge mode you play against the timer. Your best scores will be submitted to Global High Scores board.
  • Global High Scores board will show your rank and top 50 players.
  • There are 4 stick man themes for you to choose
  • App will auto remember your stats, settings. Your game will be saved when you have a phone call or you close the app in the middle of the game. You can continue your game when you re-open it.
  • User friendly design
  • Appealing graphics
  • One and Two Player modes
  • Two Player mode which allows you to enter your own words for your friends to guess
  • Choice of ABC or QWERTY keyboard. There is a switch button that allows you switch between 2 keyboards on the fly. You can use the hardware keyboard to play.
  • Test prep vocabulary for SAT
  • Prep for Test of English as a Foreign Language
  • Test vocabulary for Graduate Exams: GRE and GMAT
  • Hints with either definition or fill-in-the-blank
  • 9 word categories
  • Ability to choose to play with words from all 9 categories
  • Solve option for study use
  • Quick definition reference from Dictionary.com with internet connection

Screen shots:




DOWNLOAD HERE:: http://www.precentral.net/homebrew-apps/super-hangman-global-high-score

Visit my homepage (MyAppCatalog.com) for more screenshots and other apps:

My App Catalog for Palm Pre phone

Link to other apps on PreCentral.net

Guitarist's Reference: http://forums.precentral.net/showthread.php?p=1853015#post1853015

Super Hangman : http://forums.precentral.net/homebrew-apps/200409-super-hangman-global-high-score.html

Cool Tip Calculator: http://forums.precentral.net/homebrew-apps/200287-cool-tip-calculator-adjustments.html

i take no credit for this game and the original thread can be found here: