[UPDATES] Superman369s Tattoo


Here it is, the memorial tattoo and my first tattoo. Got the text correct thanks to the help of my AMJ fam. Tell me what you guys think.
Hahaha, yea I'll prolly get more. But I'm only gonna get ones that mean something, I'm not in to getting them just for the looks. Thats why it took so long for me to get this one. LOL, now to wait and see what makes the cut for the next ink session.

yup thats def a good choice..... i got once for a full back piece im working on drawing right now.... (cant tell you how many times ive changed and redrew it haha) but ill show a licture here, its a custom make cross that will be going down the spine and than splitting off at thre shoulders, it will be looking like real wood and than have jesus on it but of course since he was there during the night its going to look like its only being lit up by a dim light from a flame so you see mostly shadow for the outline of jesus on the christ...... should be looking pretty good when i get the drawing done and about 50% through that at this moment.
Hahaha, yea I'll prolly get more. But I'm only gonna get ones that mean something, I'm not in to getting them just for the looks. Thats why it took so long for me to get this one. LOL, now to wait and see what makes the cut for the next ink session.

That's my sentiments exactly. For me they had to represent what I'm about, look good, but they had to have meaning.

Looks tight.
Here it is, the memorial tattoo and my first tattoo. Got the text correct thanks to the help of my AMJ fam. Tell me what you guys think.

wow very nice. the only kind of ink should be custom ink lol, i have 1 off the wall tat that i got when i was 18, but me and my best friend at the time got the same one to celebrate our friendship lolol, 20 years later we are still friends heheheheh