ADMIN-Watch what you say!
OK first and foremost, if your name isn't listed under the thread description, its only because i was limited on space, but as the title states this is to all staff! With all the issues the domain, server, site, etc, have been giving us over the last few days, I would like to personally thank elboriyorker, DASH, and any all the other Staff members for their hard work to keep AMJ alive. This is our home aways from home. For some of us, its our ONLY home. elboriyorker thank you for consistently keeping us informed and doing your due diligence to have any issues with the site resolved. With that being said, I would also like to thank elboriyorker and Venumx for assisting with getting the AMJACCESSORIES.com site up and running in time frame that we wanted too. For those of you that haven't check it out yet, please DO so as there are over 4000 accessories for a ridiculous amount of devices at
Also, thank you to Dash and all the staff for never giving up and keeping members informed of the new layout and rules as we came across this obstacle. This thread is just a token of my appreciation and cannot wait to see how AMJ progresses in the near future with the launch of the accessories site and all the great things our staff does. SO, THANK YOU!

Keep it real, keep it AMJ!

Staff and Senior Site Admin
thank you Jew. It was team work that got us in this direction.Even though there were obstacles that was trying to prevent us to move forward in this this direction.But the team stood ground and made sure that AMJ move forward.Like the 300 and the Spartans.

with that said congrats to everyone..
thank you Jew. It was team work that got us in this direction.Even though there were obstacles that was trying to prevent us to move forward in this this direction.But the team stood ground and made sure that AMJ move forward.Like the 300 and the Spartans.

with that said congrats to everyone..


lol, i just saw that movie again yesterday. but yeah, thanks to elboriyorker and dash, and also Venumx for all the behind the scenes work he does all over the site, from what i hear, it took him lots of work to tweak the app store just right, lol. good work brotha!
and thank you for all the work you did with the sotre, getting it started, bringing to our attention and much much more! we are a team and a team watches out for their teamates and always has there back no matter the issue and thats what we do... we are still family thus why we fight from time to time but hell thats healthy lmao, i cant say enough to all the staff here and even the members we are starting to get, before you all came around (the old timers will remember this) i was getting so stressed since i was posting everything, replying to everything and didnt have no help and if i didnt no the answer would be screwed.... you guys have made what AMJ is today not me, its your work and dedication that has brought us to the next level. thanks guys and you all have the number, call when you need it dont be scared.

lol, i just saw that movie again yesterday. but yeah, thanks to elboriyorker and dash, and also Venumx for all the behind the scenes work he does all over the site, from what i hear, it took him lots of work to tweak the app store just right, lol. good work brotha!

hahaha while i was texting dashy last night i was watching it at the same time that movie is the shit.. i had the banner on my sig lol

and thank you for all the work you did with the sotre, getting it started, bringing to our attention and much much more! we are a team and a team watches out for their teamates and always has there back no matter the issue and thats what we do... we are still family thus why we fight from time to time but hell thats healthy lmao, i cant say enough to all the staff here and even the members we are starting to get, before you all came around (the old timers will remember this) i was getting so stressed since i was posting everything, replying to everything and didnt have no help and if i didnt no the answer would be screwed.... you guys have made what AMJ is today not me, its your work and dedication that has brought us to the next level. thanks guys and you all have the number, call when you need it dont be scared.

that what family is bro i can count how many times i got into it with my bro and sis and the good thing I'm the oldest haahahha but later we'll be talking again..one thing i learn in life is don't take anything to heart or make it personal.
hahaha while i was texting dashy last night i was watching it at the same time that movie is the shit.. i had the banner on my sig lol

that what family is bro i can count how many times i got into it with my bro and sis and the good thing I'm the oldest haahahha but later we'll be talking again..one thing i learn in life is don't take anything to heart or make it personal.

word have def been doing that more since talking to you and knowing you over these past 3 years.... makes life a lot easier to tell the truth.
word have def been doing that more since talking to you and knowing you over these past 3 years.... makes life a lot easier to tell the truth.

yes my grasshopper, master elboriyorker has taught you well. soon you will be in my shoes to see what others go through and you can share your knowledge with others...hahahahah isn't that line from "ninja turtle"
hahahaha and it does kinda have a cartoon resemblance of ya hahhahahahhaa im leonardo in the blue in the bacground and the purple one is bigjew :)

Really? I figured you'd be taller than jew. huh.....maybe we need true pics for prespective.

also a big thank you to the staff for all their work. without them the site wouldn't be the greatest site ever. also thank you elboriyorker and dash you guys have put countless hours into the site for little or nothing.