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[RELEASE] Titanium theme Bufed VGA


Thanks for esbow over at XDA for this theme​



[Beta-2 VGA-QVGA 0.30.11]update 4 July 2009
*added support for landscape on VGA

[BETA-1 w-VGA/w-QVGA 0.30.10f PORTAIT]update 3 July 2009
I don't own an VGA device so its all touch an go on the layout,
but it seems to come out well. thanks for the pm's
*added support for VGA portrait( test. landscape after the test)
*added more pluggin support( COpera, CFacebook, CHTC AudioManager)
*added bigger layout for QVGA( test)
*added effect to QVGA landscape mode( experimental)
*updated pluggin support
*varia fixes

landscapeTest -Titanium Bufed 0.20.04.QVGA.WQVGA update 30 June 2009
(proper upgrade version)
*added landscape for QVGA WQVGA
*Adjusted landscape mode( v2)
**Clock, music, picture layout ect..
*Fixed some flow problem
*added better support for CClauncher( still no icon:/)
*added support for Quicklauncher( + icon)
*added better support for CS2P
*fixed some CComm bugs( still no icon:/)
*fixed date display problem

Titanium Bufed 0.20.03b update 29 June 2009
( Don't forget to set clearview on)
*Fixed some font problems
*fixed layout
*added support for WQVGA
*added support for CVolume
*added some missing files for reflection
*fixed some minor setting
*fixed font setting
*fixed TWolf plugin 1.5 for Bufed( below)

*Background art is not included.( QVGA) (VGA)

Titanium Bufed 0.12b1.0609.cab Updated 24 June 2009
| TWolf and Showaco plugins |
*added support for Favorite People Plugin by AppStar
*added support for Titanium Weather by showaco
*added support for cS2P v0.2 - S2P music player control: ( Bufed 0.1 plugin below)
*minor bugs( weather icon not displaying..)
*minor graphical updates
*disabled picture name till next update
Titanium Bufed 0.12.0609.cab Updated 4 June 2009
*updated big album art
*updated big picture art
*new clock layout
*fixed clock displey bug on some devices( hopefully..)
*updated icons
*updated some minor fixes

Titanium Bufed 0.02.0609 - initial release
*new Bufed icon set
*larger album art
*larger picture art
*new clock

Bugs found:
- at CET zero hour( 00:00) the time doesn't fully display - will be fixed on next update( FOU)
- battery status doesn't display correct status on some devices- FOU *fixed
- some other plugin's "may" disappear depending on your config. Just reinstall them and refresh Titanium..
- most plugin's work but "may" need some tweaking, I will add more support as we go along ( FOU)
[ its all an mater of of the installation follow order:
skin, weather, weather CPR fix, TWolf's. If it fails, try again. It works, and its just a one time procedure. Best to reboot the device after an installation..]

| Titanium Bufed Extras 0.11.0609: adds extra Bufed system icons to Titanium. Recommended.
| albumart fix 0.2: adds extra shadow under the album art background. Just install the cab file. 24 June 2009
| Showaco Bufed weather icons: just install the cab file and go to Weather Options, Display Options, select Bufed..
| TWolf Plugin - Bufed 0.02 : added Bufed system icons and new flip-clock. 24 June 2009 (Complete Patched plugin here)

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