Tutorial how to change font colour
Thanx to devilteki!!
U can't change all font colour's this way... u have to test yourself what you are able to change!
If u are not able to start TF3D u have to copy back /or delete the manila file u are editing
Open the manila file with Ultra Edit (I think u can use any other HEX editor?)
In this case I'm using the manila file for Home Tab
Make sure u have this screen showing, not the HEX mode
Now search for 'C o l o r' .. remember the spaces between the letters!
There will be alot of different 'C o l o r' matches keep searching untill u see this...
U can tell what colour it reffers to...
In this example it's 'AllDaySubject'
Now toggle to HEX screen... (see first picture)
Here u will see the HEX code for the colour...
just edit this to the color u want
ff 00 00 - red
00 ff 0c - green
and so on...
Now go back to step 1 to find the next colour to change!
do a google search and u will find how to get the HEX for a colour
Thanx to devilteki!!
U can't change all font colour's this way... u have to test yourself what you are able to change!
If u are not able to start TF3D u have to copy back /or delete the manila file u are editing
Open the manila file with Ultra Edit (I think u can use any other HEX editor?)
In this case I'm using the manila file for Home Tab
Make sure u have this screen showing, not the HEX mode
Now search for 'C o l o r' .. remember the spaces between the letters!
There will be alot of different 'C o l o r' matches keep searching untill u see this...
U can tell what colour it reffers to...
In this example it's 'AllDaySubject'
Now toggle to HEX screen... (see first picture)
Here u will see the HEX code for the colour...
just edit this to the color u want
ff 00 00 - red
00 ff 0c - green
and so on...
Now go back to step 1 to find the next colour to change!
do a google search and u will find how to get the HEX for a colour