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[INFO] Tweak your HTC touch diamond to get more speed


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OG Member
Sorry guys if this been posted !!!

1. Boost TFL3D Performance --> Using Advanced Config, change File system cache to 8mb and file system filter cache to 131072

2. Boost TFL3D Performance --> HKLM\System\Storagemanager\Fatfs and change key Cachesize from 16384 to 32768

3. Wake Up on New SMS --> HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL : DisableSMSWakeUpEvent <-- set to "1" by default. Change value to "0"

4. Switch Mute Call on phone flipped face down: HKLM\Software\HTC\PHONE : FaceDownMuteRing: change value to "1" (FIXED: thanks KuKuRiKu and everyone)

5. Change CallWaiting Tone --> HKLM\Software\HTC\PHONE : by default set to \windows\waitingtone.wav by default. change to anything else

6. Boost TFL3D Scrolling Speed --> - HKLM\SYSTEM\GDI\GLYPHCACHE\limit = 16384 or 32768 (DWORD decimal)
- To change it back to the default: - HKLM\SYSTEM\GDI\GLYPHCACHE\limit = 8192 (DWORD decimal)

7. To do a Hard Reset, with the phone ON, hold down the Volume Down and Enter (round navigation) keys and press soft reset while they are pressed

8. Prevent screen switching off during phone call --> HKEY_Local_Machine\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL\EnableFastD ormantDisplayDuringCall to 0 (Note: does not work on all ROMs)
AND (tested and works on EU ROMs thanks to Rod65)
HKCU\ControlPanel\Phone\Sleep switch value from 1 to 0

9. Downlod original CONTENT folder (Wallpaper, VIDEO, MUSIC) here http://rapidshare.com/files/12127104...orage.rar.html

10. Set HTC Album X button to close not minimize:ok_minimize change value to 0

11. Disable Enlarged Title bar (when you click on a notification) to the default WM behavior: HKLM->Software->HTC->EnlargeTitleBar - and change "Enable" from 1 to 0.

12. Turn off startup aninmation and sound: HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\HTC\HTCAnimation\ -> rename both "StartupGif" and "StartupWav" to other names

13. Enable GPS photo: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P10 -> change the value "enabled" from 0 to 1

15. Another supposed TFL3D tweak for better performance: HKLM\Software\OEM\TFLOSettings:
SpeedHigh: default value (25) <-- Change to (5) / SpeedLow : default value (70) <-- Chnge to (14) save and soft reset

16. Adjust screen sensitivity: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\TouchPanel
Value = PressureThreshold
Change from the default dword:00000027 or 34 to dword:000000f0 or 240 in decimal

17. Lightsensor Switching the Screen off- realised by yelitterulez, confirmed by pietrucci and tested by myself. When making a call the screen stays on if you leave the phone lying flat on a table. If you wait 10 seconds into the call, you can pick it up to your ear and the screen stays on.

BUT if you make a call with the phone slightly tilted/ slanted (you get the idea), the screen turns off as soon as the call gets connected!
The moment you hold the phone to your head the blacklight turns off. In fact: the moment you hide the screen with anything it turns off! (try your hand...).
This might be the reason why everybody's complaining about the screen turning off during a call: you hold the phone to your head! When you turn the screen back on manually, it stays on no matter if you hold your hand or head...

18. Automatically lock your Diamond --> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\BackLight\AutoDevic eLockEnable from 0 to 1 and everytime your backlight goes off the device is locked

19. More Camera Modes:
To Enable 'Burst': HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P6 -> change the value "enabled" from 0 to 1

To Enable 'Sport': HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P8 -> change the value "enabled" from 0 to 1

To Enable 'Video Share': HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P9 -> change the value "enabled" from 0 to 1

20. Delay device autolock: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\BackLight\AutoDevic eLockTimeout -> Change the Dword value (30 = 30 seconds, etc)

21. Enable Manual Screen Rotation (Portrait/Landscape): HKLM - System - GDI - Rotation - HideOrientationUI (change from 1 to 0)

22. Hide SIM Contacts: HKCU\ControlPanel\Phone - create a new DWORD value named "ShowSim" and set it to 0

23. Show Weekday in TFL3D (thanks to pulp) - download and install http://rapidshare.com/files/127174792/weekday.cab

24. Enable HSUPA:
HKLM\Software\HTC\AdvancedNetwork\SupportHSUPA =change it to 1

25. Enable Audio Booster without headset-->HKLM/System/State/Hardware/Headset set the value to 1 (soft reset will bring it back to 0)

26. Add a Call History tab to TF3D (discovered by sushilange, spread by Fabliv) --> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=410180

27. Add new Cities to TF3D http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=408918 - thanks to R. DevilR

28. Remove orphan icons and shortcuts - http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...97&postcount=3

29. Four icons in a row in WM Programs/Settings screens - http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...4&postcount=16

30. Remove Vertical and Horizontal Scrollbars
For the horizontal (bottom) scrollbar:
HKLM\System\GWE\cyHScr = 0 (DWORD decimal)
For the vertical (right) scrollbar:
HKLM\System\GWE\cxVScr = 0 (DWORD decimal)

31. Remap Manila softkeys:
HomeLSKPath, which is the left softkey (Standard = Phonepad)
HomeRSKPath, which is the right softkey.
If you change these with the location of the programs you want to link to, and simultaneous change the names:
HomeLSKText = Left softkey text
HomeRSKText = Right softkey text.

32. Change system and context menu font size:
and change the value for the "Ht" entry to "1000" decimal (from 1200)

33. Increase maximum picture size when shooting in Burst and Sports mode:When activating "burst" and "sport" the max size of the pictures is "L" but if you change:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P8\MainCamCaptSize value to 1024
HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\Camera\P8\MainCamSupportCaptSize to 1744Do the same for P6 and you can now shoot in these modes up to 3M and not just L - thanks to nnevynn for

34. Get Blackberry Connect working on your Diamond!! (thanks to cybertech99)

35. Disable Diamond Phonepad Skin
HKLM -> Security -> Phone -> Skin -> Enable (set 1 to 0), then reset.

36. Enable Better Power Management
Set DisablePowerManagement = 0 (default=1)

Set DisablePowerManagement = 0 (default=1)

Set DisablePowerManagement = 0 (default=1)

Thanks for the groups at xda