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[HTC-Diamond] Updated Jan 15thTouch Diamond CDMA Radios 6 Included


Cook / Developer
This thread is to collaborate the radio roms we may have available to us now and in the future.

Current Available Radio Roms:

HTC Diamond Radio Rom v1.00.00F (Sprint Shipped) Fast Mirror Mirror

Sprint Test Touch Pro Radio v1.00.04F

Sprint Raphael Radio V1.03.15F Shipped

Sprint Radio V1.11.00F Shipped <--------- New radio Jan 15th/09

VZW TouchPro Radio Rom v1.03.03v (Verizon Shipped rom for the Touch Pro) Fast Mirror Mirror1 Mirror2

Telus Diamond Radio V1.04.05V (Telus Update)

Warrning: After flashing a radio it will preform a RTN, this is a hard reset that the radio initiates. BACK UP ALL YOUR DATA BEFORE FLASHING A RADIO ROM. I take no responsibility for lost or corrupted data.

Remember: I am not responsible for bricked devices. Your phone, your risk, your problem if something goes wrong.

Thanks to No2Chem for lending me a hand in the early days!
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Ok im a real noob when it comes to radio's just to start. I flashed it to the telus radio last night and now i went from a 4 bars to seeing it bouce from 4 to 5 now. I know it sounds good boucing from 4 to 5 bars but will that save the bat as it keeps jumping 4 to 5 back to 4 about 10 times a min. won't seem to stay on one or the other. First time I have ever just sit and watched a signal jump up and down like that....
Ok im a real noob when it comes to radio's just to start. I flashed it to the telus radio last night and now i went from a 4 bars to seeing it bouce from 4 to 5 now. I know it sounds good boucing from 4 to 5 bars but will that save the bat as it keeps jumping 4 to 5 back to 4 about 10 times a min. won't seem to stay on one or the other. First time I have ever just sit and watched a signal jump up and down like that....

no you will be fine if it is jumping between 3 and 4.... when your doing that with 1 and 2 your gonna drain tour battery since it will be constantly searching for a newer tower draining it.... but anyways also these are for the diamond and not the touch aka vogue so i hope that you didnt add this radio to your vogue...
Good looking out there Dash. Didn't think anyone looked at that profile part. I would have to say man you was right about the Telus radio!! Seems to be holding the charge alot better.

yeha i like it myself and still using it since day 1 besides when i tested the metropcs one for a couple days and hated it.
Hey I'm new to this whole radio updating. would i install it using the "Diamond RUU" and use it as i did installing a ROM? also I have a sprint htc touch diamong which raid works for me only the two sprint ones for htc diamond or would telus work to? Sorry for my bad typing and stupid questions.. btw feel free to give me directions on what to do :]
Hey I'm new to this whole radio updating. would i install it using the "Diamond RUU" and use it as i did installing a ROM? also I have a sprint htc touch diamong which raid works for me only the two sprint ones for htc diamond or would telus work to? Sorry for my bad typing and stupid questions.. btw feel free to give me directions on what to do :]
Same process as flashing a ROM except this will NOT erase your memory. And any of these radios will work on any CDMA (which is what you have) Touch Diamond. It all depends on whee you are which on is best. I find on the TP that east coasters should use the Sprint radio, whereas people Mid-upper country should use the telus radio. Not too sure if the same applies for the Diamond, but try em out and see.

EDIT: Ok so apparently, according to the first post, a radio flash on a diamond does erase your memory. I can not confirm this since I have a TP and not a diamond, but back your info up anyways just to be safe.
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