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Updating My Blackberry


Blackberry Dude
How To Update My Blackberry Software

To begin with, this is NOT something that can be done OTA so please do not ask for an OTA link.

There are a few different ways to go about updating your blackberry. The first and easiest is to use the blackberry website, if you already have the blackberry desktop manager installed simply visit blackberry update and click the large button that says, "Check for Updates" while your blackberry is connected to the computer.

If your blackberry Desktop Manager is not installed you can find the correct software here: https://www.blackberry.com/Downloads/entry.do?code=A8BAA56554F96369AB93E4F3BB068C22

The next way to dl the newest OS is to actually download the file containing the software. This will be specific to each model blackberry so please choose the correct file. You can find the correct software specific to your device by going to this link, and entering your PIN.


If you do not know your PIN this can be found under Options>Status>PIN

If neither of these works, PM me for extra trouble shooting.
you all good and damn you are doing work on the blackberry info :) tutorials are great and if find video tutorials are also welcome :) if you need help encoding youtube links just send me a pm.

I have asked ON3/\L to bring his tripod in cause I just got a nice ass 10.2 megapixel camera that does video. Once he brings that I am going to make some diy vids and threads for screen replacement, lens replacement, trackball replacement, and some other stuff. I'll send you a PM about the YT encoding then.
I have asked ON3/\L to bring his tripod in cause I just got a nice ass 10.2 megapixel camera that does video. Once he brings that I am going to make some diy vids and threads for screen replacement, lens replacement, trackball replacement, and some other stuff. I'll send you a PM about the YT encoding then.

nice! sounds great!! cant wait to see em and btw we will be carrying the rollerballs and all the other blackberry accessories in the AMJ Store :)
yes... that and much more.
OMGWTFBBQ i'm so exited. I actually fix and repair phones, specifically blackberries for people outside of work, soooo this could be great for me assuming it's a decent price. I'm sure you guys have got it but let me know if you need any help finding suppliers. I have some contacts that can cut some pretty awesome deals, when you buy in bulk.

I just don't buy in bulk.
OMGWTFBBQ i'm so exited. I actually fix and repair phones, specifically blackberries for people outside of work, soooo this could be great for me assuming it's a decent price. I'm sure you guys have got it but let me know if you need any help finding suppliers. I have some contacts that can cut some pretty awesome deals, when you buy in bulk.

I just don't buy in bulk.

thanks but we got it all taken care of :)