Virtual Pool Mobile v1.77


Owner - Staff
Virtual Pool Mobile v1.77
Requirements: QVGA, VGA, square or landscape WM5 compatible Smartphones.
Overview: Virtual Pool Mobile is the way to take Virtual Pool on the road.
You get Virtual Pool physics, 3D graphics, computer adversaries and even a career mode.
Play it on your Windows Smartphone.

So real that we guarantee it will improve your real pool game!

More Info:

Download Instructions: 1-Download; 2-Install; 3-Register with included Keygen!
Re: Virtual Pool Mobile v177

hey srry to bug you guys but i downloaded this but every time i enter the key the keygen generates is wrong could you give me a key or sumthin plz

Re: Virtual Pool Mobile v177

hey srry to bug you guys but i downloaded this but every time i enter the key the keygen generates is wrong could you give me a key or sumthin plz


the keygen works fine arer you changing thename to your owner information? and remmeber it is case sensative and you cant have any characters like /#@$ etc. and without your owners info we cant help you. i would try running again.
Re: Virtual Pool Mobile v177

thank u dude you da bomb it works i didnt know you had to put ur owner info in thnx