vito sms chat


i have used this app for a whil and never had a when i text message its not saving my text in the chat window sends but dosnt save so i forget the conversation please help thanks
i have used this app for a whil and never had a when i text message its not saving my text in the chat window sends but dosnt save so i forget the conversation please help thanks
try uninstalling the app... Soft reseting... then install it again, then soft reset.. if not make sure you have the latest version of that app!
i have used this app for a whil and never had a when i text message its not saving my text in the chat window sends but dosnt save so i forget the conversation please help thanks

Have you checked the message settings to make sure it is not set to delete sent text messages after they are sent? Stranger things have happened!
ok so i hard reset my phone installed the new vito sms that was just released about 2 hrs messeges that i send still disapr...i know that 1 other guy had the same problem when flashing to alltel i need a threaded text messaging app..any app at this point will do....I tried the palm but my keyboard coverd up my text that i was writing and i tried extreme text and that did the same thing keyboard coverd my text i was writing.....please let me know what threaded text messaging app i can use that wont cover my text message that im writing thanks...i wish vitowould work for me again..great app :o(
ok so i hard reset my phone installed the new vito sms that was just released about 2 hrs messeges that i send still disapr...i know that 1 other guy had the same problem when flashing to alltel i need a threaded text messaging app..any app at this point will do....I tried the palm but my keyboard coverd up my text that i was writing and i tried extreme text and that did the same thing keyboard coverd my text i was writing.....please let me know what threaded text messaging app i can use that wont cover my text message that im writing thanks...i wish vitowould work for me again..great app :o(

one word for you WM 6.1
ok so i hard reset my phone installed the new vito sms that was just released about 2 hrs messeges that i send still disapr...i know that 1 other guy had the same problem when flashing to alltel i need a threaded text messaging app..any app at this point will do....I tried the palm but my keyboard coverd up my text that i was writing and i tried extreme text and that did the same thing keyboard coverd my text i was writing.....please let me know what threaded text messaging app i can use that wont cover my text message that im writing thanks...i wish vitowould work for me again..great app :o(

Dont know if you got an answer or not but go to
1. start,
2. messaging,
3. menu (lower right corner),
4.highlight text,
5. go to message tab and make sure there is a check mark in the keep copies of sent items in sent folder.
This is what was said in the earlier post and it worked perfactly for me.
Hope that helps PEACE
Bugless was right I had the same problem. You have to go into your settings and change them. Here is the path.

Start Menu>Messaging>Menu>Options>Message Tab>then you have to check (Keep copies of sent Items in Sent Folder)

I hate saving outgoing messages, thats why I had unchecked mine. But I guess thats the only way to see your chat in Vitos SMS. Hope this helps..
