All right guys i found the solution on changing the K size from 300 to 1000, this is how its done, Go to start and look for your settings and click on PHM Regedit, once you open that up there shoucl be four HKEY's, click the HKEY_Locals_Machine and open, then scroll down to sofware and open, Arcsoft open, Arcsoft MMS UA, config open, MM1 open, MMSCSetting open, highlight cricket mms, click view on bottom screen, now you will see name and data on the mid screen and if you scroll down to name it will say WAP1RecDefa and the data should be 1024000, now the next three should be different if they are then we will change those if they are the same as 1024000 then you dont need to cause yours is already set up for the 1000K, now to change the others you gonna click the ones that are different from 1024000, and it will take you to another screen, once the screen is pulled up the secound tool bar that says value data is what we are going to chnage, donot touch the first tool bar that says value name, now change the old number to 1024000 and hit ok, once you hit ok it will take you back, now click the other data number and do the same step and hit ok now exit out and try to send out a pic. and audio more then 300 and it should work and that gives you the 1000K instead of the 300K hope this works out with the rest of you guys if you need any help just give me a holla thanks guys
--------- New Post Merged on 18/6/2009 at 01:20:17 --------
just hit: start/settings/PHM Regedit/HKEY_Local_Machine/Software/Arcsoft/Arcsoft MMS UA/Config/MM1/Crciket MMS/View/Wap1SendDefa/Change Value Data to 102400/ok/Wap2SendDefa/Change Value Data to 102400/ok/exit and there you go now you can send pic. and audio longer then 300K.
Hope this was alot better then the Bible that i wrote, hope this helps you guys out. And also im not sure if this is the same for other providers but if not i think instead of cricket it should say your providers name