We Did It!!!


androidmobilejunkie.com has just reached it all time high traffic rating of 191,082, for those of you who don't know what that means...it means that out of every single website in the whole entire universe we are the 191,082 most visited one (thats dam good by the way)....also .0003 percent of everyone who goes on the internet daily goes to AMJ and views and average of about 20.1 pages while at the site....also on top of that good news we are also ranked 24,137 in the united stated (thats pretty darn good too)....and over 80% of our users come from the United States...

Dont no about you guys but this looks pretty dam good to me::>>
I helped!!!!! woohooo. :yahoo:

lol word..... damn thats awesome bro only 1 year ago this pace was built and already this high in the rankings we are gonna be huge!!!!!!!!!!! never in my wildest dreams did i think that this was going to happen.