Web Browers

pie plus and my all time favorite which i have made a video on and will be posting it on you tube shortly is the picsel browser by samsung which can be found on this site by soing a local search
yeppers u can get pie plus from oour website ny doing a local search or i think its under dashes mods with links section under the help desk under htc touch questions
i really have been liking opera mini 4 lately...you have to install a program called midlet manager which runs java applications on your phone, but then once that's installed you can run the midlet manager then go to Menu > Install > Browse...this will pop open IE then go to operamini.com it will show you a few downloads you want opera mini 4..so click that, then it will install and you can run it from there....Now the reason i like this is because if you have a HUGE website that you are viewing this will zoom all the way out and you can move where you wanna view and then zoom in from there...its a lot like the features of the picsel browser except i think it runs a little bit better and easier.