Weird 6.1 Problems


I just updated to the new official 6.1 Rom for Sprint on the Touch. I'm having a few problems now though. First, the volume sucks. It's really low all the time now. I didn't have this problem before I updated to 6.1. It's even worse when I use my wired headset. My other problem is when I receive a call when I'm already on the line. It used to just beep before. Now it does a really weird annoying and loud beeping noise that goes on for some time. Anyone else have these problems after the update? Any idea how to fix them?
I just updated to the new official 6.1 Rom for Sprint on the Touch. I'm having a few problems now though. First, the volume sucks. It's really low all the time now. I didn't have this problem before I updated to 6.1. It's even worse when I use my wired headset. My other problem is when I receive a call when I'm already on the line. It used to just beep before. Now it does a really weird annoying and loud beeping noise that goes on for some time. Anyone else have these problems after the update? Any idea how to fix them?

thats the default for the stock wm 6.1
thats the default for the stock wm 6.1

Do you mean the low volume or the really loud annoying beeps when getting a call while already on the line? I didn't have these problems with 6.0 and if these things are normal for stock 6.1 then I'll have to go custom.
Do you mean the low volume or the really loud annoying beeps when getting a call while already on the line? I didn't have these problems with 6.0 and if these things are normal for stock 6.1 then I'll have to go custom.

yeah they are stock.
also SKYFIRE browser does not seem to connect now. DAMN i need my skyfire!!

my skyfire works fine on the official release of the rom...... i would try a hard reset and see if it works but installl it first and see what it does.
the volume for what?

The volume for my headset or my earpiece. I can barely hear the person on the other line. Never had this problem until I upgraded to 6.1. And the demonic beeping that tells me someone else is calling me while I'm on the line is killing me. I'm starting to hate my Touch now. Damn you 6.1!!!
The volume for my headset or my earpiece. I can barely hear the person on the other line. Never had this problem until I upgraded to 6.1. And the demonic beeping that tells me someone else is calling me while I'm on the line is killing me. I'm starting to hate my Touch now. Damn you 6.1!!!

do you have it turned up? make sure you check to make sure that the volume is up. from the during the call screen hit the scrollbar on your phone and than turn the volume up allthe way..... stock it is very low.
do you have it turned up? make sure you check to make sure that the volume is up. from the during the call screen hit the scrollbar on your phone and than turn the volume up allthe way..... stock it is very low.

Yep, I have it all the way. Still lower than it used to be. In fact, when I would use my wired headset when I had 6.0, I had to turn it down it was so loud. Now I wish I had that problem haha.
The volume for my headset or my earpiece. I can barely hear the person on the other line. Never had this problem until I upgraded to 6.1. And the demonic beeping that tells me someone else is calling me while I'm on the line is killing me. I'm starting to hate my Touch now. Damn you 6.1!!!
I have the issue with someone on the other line!! I hate that constant beeping, but my headset works fine!