WM 6.1 CE OS.19588 from Diamond
Requirements: HTC Wizard/Qtek 9100/iMate K-Jam/MDA Vario/O2 Xda mini S/Orange SPV M3000/Cingular 8125/Dopod 838/VPA Compact II.
Overview: CE OS 5.2.19558(build 19558.1.1.4) its clean and very fast Rom that come from HTC Diamond.with TouchFLO... program memory.., Total: 51.93 and 32 MB free at first boot...
Language: English
Creator: j.vd.spank
comm manager ( like diamond )
Internet explorer
internet sharing
pictures & video
task manager
windows media player
smarts key
2Games: Bubble breaker , solitaire
Office: Exel Mobile , oneNote Mobile , PowerPoint Mobile , Word Mobile , Notes
windows update
TouchFLO ( with the setting:larg Start menu & larg status icons when tapped )
ClearType disable in Landscape Mode!
Pagepool = 4Mb. Can be changed with Wizard Service Tool (WST).
Installation Instructions:
0. First determine if you got a G3 or a G4 device. When you turn on your device from can can see you're IPL and SPL version on the screen. If you got IPL/SPL 1.xx or 2.xx you've got a G3 device. If the IPL/SPL shows 2.xx.xxx1 you've got a G4. Go to step G3.1 if you got a G3 and G4.1 if G4.
G3.1 Does you're device start normally (yes) or is it stuck on the three-colored bootloader screen (no)? YES... go to step G3.5, NO go to step G3.2
G3.2 Turn off you're device totaly. Remove the SD card and disconnect the USB cable from you're device. Turn on the device while holding the camera button. You will get into bootloader mode (3 colored screen). Connect the USB cable to the computer and you will see USB at the bottom of your screen above the left softkey (Activesync will not connect in bootloader mode, but you can flash from this screen!). If you got IPL/SPL 1.xx go to G3.3. If you got 2.xx go to G3.4
G3.3 Download button rom and flash it to your device. Your device should startup again after doing this. Go to G3.5.
G3.4 Download wizard_love rom and flash it to your device. Your device should startup again after doing this. Go to G3.5.
G3.5 Is your device CID-unlocked (note: it's not the same as SIM-unlocked!)? YES... go to step G3.7, NO OR DON'T KNOW go to step G3.6.
G3.6 Follow this great thread by Dr Puttingham: The Definitive Guide to Unlocking & Rom Upgrading G3 Wizards. Don't skip step 17! Flash the T-Mobile 2.26 Rom! Go to step G3.8 if you got the T-Mobile rom with IPL/SPL 2.26 on your device after doing this.
NOTE: Some people seem to have problem with flashing the button rom in this step (stops at 98% with error 302). Replace button_rom with Xda_MiniS_LaunchROM_v154102 and follow the rest of the steps normally when this happens!
G3.7 Download T-Mobile 2.26 rom and flash it to your device! Done? Go to step G3.8.
G3.8 You're reade to flash the AKU2, AKU3, WM6 rom of you're choise! It wasn't that hard, was it? If you still got an older OS version after flashing then you're not CID-unlocked! Go back to start!
G4.1 Does you're device start normally (yes) or is it stuck on the three-colored bootloader screen (no)? YES... go to step G4.4, NO go to step G4.2
G4.2 Turn off you're device totaly. Remove the SD card and disconnect the USB cable from you're device. Turn on the device while holding the camera button. You will get into bootloader mode (3 colored screen). Connect the USB cable to the computer and you will see USB at the bottom of your screen above the left softkey (Activesync will not connect in bootloader mode, but you can flash from this screen!). go to G4.3
G4.3 Download wizard_love rom and flash it to your device. Your device should startup again after doing this. Go to G4.4.
G4.4 Is your device CID-unlocked (note: it's not the same as SIM-unlocked!)? YES... go to step G4.7, NO OR DON'T KNOW go to step G4.5. (note: CID-unlocking a G4 is only possible by paying for it at imei-check!)
G4.5 Download enable-rapi.zip. Transfer Cert_SPCS.cab and EnableRapi.cab to your phone. Run Cert_SPCS.cab FIRST and EnableRapi.cab SECOND. Turn your device off and on or wait 5 minutes before soft resetting. Done? Go to G4.6.
G4.6 Follow this great thread by the-equinoxe: [solution] G4 SoftSPL Flash any ROM to CID locked G4 [UPDATED] and load the softSPL on your device using his method. Make sure you take a G4 safe rom (see the thread for details). After the steps you'll have the rom of your choise on your device!
G4.7 You're reade to flash the AKU2, AKU3, WM6 rom of you're choise IF the rom DOESN'T contain IPL/SPL. AKU3 and WM6 roms normally don't contain IPL/SPL. If you want to flash an AKU2 rom, make sure you take the G4 version. If you get an error 300 (invalid update tool) while trying to flash your device look at this thread!
NOTE: If you tried to flash a G3 rom with IPL/SPL in the rom on a G4 you probably will have a bricked device! DON'T flash the new 3.08 and 3.09 IPL/SPL to your G4!
NOTE2: If you got problems flashing with softSPL: Follow this great thread by mun_rus: Solutuion found: how to flash any rom to CIDLOCKED DEVICE. If your device won't start after flashing you can use step G4.2 and G4.3 and try again. Also look at this thread by eddieitman: Faria G4 Step by step installer with instructions to make sure you did all the necessary steps!
Download Instructions: http://rapidshare.com/files/119570838/Wizard_19855_Clean_V1.rar
Requirements: HTC Wizard/Qtek 9100/iMate K-Jam/MDA Vario/O2 Xda mini S/Orange SPV M3000/Cingular 8125/Dopod 838/VPA Compact II.
Overview: CE OS 5.2.19558(build 19558.1.1.4) its clean and very fast Rom that come from HTC Diamond.with TouchFLO... program memory.., Total: 51.93 and 32 MB free at first boot...
Language: English
Creator: j.vd.spank
comm manager ( like diamond )
Internet explorer
internet sharing
pictures & video
task manager
windows media player
smarts key
2Games: Bubble breaker , solitaire
Office: Exel Mobile , oneNote Mobile , PowerPoint Mobile , Word Mobile , Notes
windows update
TouchFLO ( with the setting:larg Start menu & larg status icons when tapped )
ClearType disable in Landscape Mode!
Pagepool = 4Mb. Can be changed with Wizard Service Tool (WST).
Installation Instructions:
0. First determine if you got a G3 or a G4 device. When you turn on your device from can can see you're IPL and SPL version on the screen. If you got IPL/SPL 1.xx or 2.xx you've got a G3 device. If the IPL/SPL shows 2.xx.xxx1 you've got a G4. Go to step G3.1 if you got a G3 and G4.1 if G4.
G3.1 Does you're device start normally (yes) or is it stuck on the three-colored bootloader screen (no)? YES... go to step G3.5, NO go to step G3.2
G3.2 Turn off you're device totaly. Remove the SD card and disconnect the USB cable from you're device. Turn on the device while holding the camera button. You will get into bootloader mode (3 colored screen). Connect the USB cable to the computer and you will see USB at the bottom of your screen above the left softkey (Activesync will not connect in bootloader mode, but you can flash from this screen!). If you got IPL/SPL 1.xx go to G3.3. If you got 2.xx go to G3.4
G3.3 Download button rom and flash it to your device. Your device should startup again after doing this. Go to G3.5.
G3.4 Download wizard_love rom and flash it to your device. Your device should startup again after doing this. Go to G3.5.
G3.5 Is your device CID-unlocked (note: it's not the same as SIM-unlocked!)? YES... go to step G3.7, NO OR DON'T KNOW go to step G3.6.
G3.6 Follow this great thread by Dr Puttingham: The Definitive Guide to Unlocking & Rom Upgrading G3 Wizards. Don't skip step 17! Flash the T-Mobile 2.26 Rom! Go to step G3.8 if you got the T-Mobile rom with IPL/SPL 2.26 on your device after doing this.
NOTE: Some people seem to have problem with flashing the button rom in this step (stops at 98% with error 302). Replace button_rom with Xda_MiniS_LaunchROM_v154102 and follow the rest of the steps normally when this happens!
G3.7 Download T-Mobile 2.26 rom and flash it to your device! Done? Go to step G3.8.
G3.8 You're reade to flash the AKU2, AKU3, WM6 rom of you're choise! It wasn't that hard, was it? If you still got an older OS version after flashing then you're not CID-unlocked! Go back to start!
G4.1 Does you're device start normally (yes) or is it stuck on the three-colored bootloader screen (no)? YES... go to step G4.4, NO go to step G4.2
G4.2 Turn off you're device totaly. Remove the SD card and disconnect the USB cable from you're device. Turn on the device while holding the camera button. You will get into bootloader mode (3 colored screen). Connect the USB cable to the computer and you will see USB at the bottom of your screen above the left softkey (Activesync will not connect in bootloader mode, but you can flash from this screen!). go to G4.3
G4.3 Download wizard_love rom and flash it to your device. Your device should startup again after doing this. Go to G4.4.
G4.4 Is your device CID-unlocked (note: it's not the same as SIM-unlocked!)? YES... go to step G4.7, NO OR DON'T KNOW go to step G4.5. (note: CID-unlocking a G4 is only possible by paying for it at imei-check!)
G4.5 Download enable-rapi.zip. Transfer Cert_SPCS.cab and EnableRapi.cab to your phone. Run Cert_SPCS.cab FIRST and EnableRapi.cab SECOND. Turn your device off and on or wait 5 minutes before soft resetting. Done? Go to G4.6.
G4.6 Follow this great thread by the-equinoxe: [solution] G4 SoftSPL Flash any ROM to CID locked G4 [UPDATED] and load the softSPL on your device using his method. Make sure you take a G4 safe rom (see the thread for details). After the steps you'll have the rom of your choise on your device!
G4.7 You're reade to flash the AKU2, AKU3, WM6 rom of you're choise IF the rom DOESN'T contain IPL/SPL. AKU3 and WM6 roms normally don't contain IPL/SPL. If you want to flash an AKU2 rom, make sure you take the G4 version. If you get an error 300 (invalid update tool) while trying to flash your device look at this thread!
NOTE: If you tried to flash a G3 rom with IPL/SPL in the rom on a G4 you probably will have a bricked device! DON'T flash the new 3.08 and 3.09 IPL/SPL to your G4!
NOTE2: If you got problems flashing with softSPL: Follow this great thread by mun_rus: Solutuion found: how to flash any rom to CIDLOCKED DEVICE. If your device won't start after flashing you can use step G4.2 and G4.3 and try again. Also look at this thread by eddieitman: Faria G4 Step by step installer with instructions to make sure you did all the necessary steps!
Download Instructions: http://rapidshare.com/files/119570838/Wizard_19855_Clean_V1.rar
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