Rom BsB 6.5G build 21234
- Updated XIP & SYS to 21234
- Back to 10mb PP
- Fixed memory leak of Opera
- Updated GPS drivers (now working perfect)
- Removed GPS Tool (it's buggy)
- Removed titanium weather (i forgot to add it , you can find it here)
- Added MyPhone from microsoft
- Added RemoteDesktop
- Fixed minor bug with htc calcutalor
- Updated RAM Sweeper to version 2
- Updated bluetooth drivers
- Added ATContacts
- Some more tweaks to gain system speed.
- Added dialer skin to match black theme and windows 6.5 style.
Guia Original:
Descarga Aqui:
- Updated XIP & SYS to 21234
- Back to 10mb PP
- Fixed memory leak of Opera
- Updated GPS drivers (now working perfect)
- Removed GPS Tool (it's buggy)
- Removed titanium weather (i forgot to add it , you can find it here)
- Added MyPhone from microsoft
- Added RemoteDesktop
- Fixed minor bug with htc calcutalor
- Updated RAM Sweeper to version 2
- Updated bluetooth drivers
- Added ATContacts
- Some more tweaks to gain system speed.
- Added dialer skin to match black theme and windows 6.5 style.
Guia Original:
Descarga Aqui: