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[Theme] WM7 Ultimate for ThrottleLauncher





1. Download the ZIP file
2. Either unzip it on your PC or on your device (if you‚´ve got a ZIP application)
3. Place the extracted folder to Program Files/Throttle Launcher/Setups (or on your storage card, if you have got Throttle there)
4. Launch Throttle Config from Programs
5. Select WM7 Ultimate from the list, check all three boxes and set the height to 296px (or 592px on normal VGA devices, WVGA please check you own..).
6. Then tap reload plugin and you‚´re done

Thanks to Paul de Groot for providing us a super basis, thanks to Wisen, creator of the iWise skin for PhoneAlarm for providing his graphics as well and thanks to Rumball for his diamond weather graphics.

We hope you like it! If you want to donate, donate to Alphonso Presa, he provides the powerful platform you all love: ThrottleLauncher.

Since more and more infos about the real WM7 are dropping out I decided to set up some new goals so the theme still deserves it‚´s name

Future plans:

* Complete design-overhaul (there have been new screenshots)
* Complete functional overhaul...the user experience will be much better (maybe the bottom-bar gets whole new functionality..)
* Animated weather
* Zune-like mediaplayer-page
* Web-features integration...(social-web page)
* (Maybe) widget-page (if you want it ^^)


0.2: (released 8 June 2009)
- Completey new weather page layout (slidable like homescreen)
-- Added background graphic for better readability
-- Updated line-graphic in forecast-view
-- Fixed bug with weather "last updated" date/time display

- Clock now using graphics- hands (png) instead of using rendered hands
- Day and date added to clock face per user request
- Updated clock face (because of day and date included)
- Removed "hometown" per user request
- Slightly changed weather layout in home-clock box
- Bigger weather-update button in home clock-box
- Updated messaging icons (more button-like look) and added "pressed" states!
- "+" button added to the launcher-panel
- New control icons and layout for music-panel

- Contacts page for iContacts fixed for WVGA devices
- Added "Detailed" contacts view-mode with pressed state

- Pressed-state-graphic for icon-layout on apps-page (doesn‚´t look absolutely perfect yet..)
- Added "Detailed" apps view-mode with pressed state (thanks to AP!!)
- Task management added to recent apps page
- Layout of "recent apps"-page unified
- Layout of settings-page unified
- Updated all Comm icons (more button-like look) and added "pressed" states!

0.1.2: (released 17 Feb 2009)
- Removed some useless files
- Improved layout for appointment panel, added "Tasks today" display
- Changed behaviour of phone icon on comm page (activated means radio activated instead of flight mode)
- Updated button-background for apps to 100x100px, set apps width/height to 47px
- Updated background of menu-tabs row

Thanks to Alphonso Presa for the following fixes and additions:
- Added WQVGA + WVGA compatibility
- Fixed issue with analogue clock
- Added haptic feedback option in options
- Fixed some issues with height of menu pages (apps, recently started, settings, comm) and contacts page

0.1.1: (released 14 Feb 2009)
- Fixed issues with activated/deactivated funktions on comm page (phone icon, sound icon, vibrate icon)
- Added new icons for comm page: lock icon, reboot icon
- Updated other comm icons due to concave borders
- Added fake transparency to weather page
- Added background to menu-tabs row

0.1.0: (released 13 Feb 2009)
- First release

Original Link:

