WTT: Sprint Vogue


I have the Sprint Vogue 6900, its in great shape, and the ESN is a clean one. I lost the box when i moved, and so i lost some things with it. i lost the Sync Disk, so i had to download it from the HTC site, as you can see i have the case that it came with, i have the Sync cable, home charger, headphones, the adpter for the charger and headphone to be pluged in at the same time. and 1 stylus. i also have 1 gel clear cover for it.

I also still have the screen protecter on the phone, i'm running the NFSFANs WM65 ROM v13 Build. It works great but if asked to i can flash it back to the stock rom, and its unlocked to. the phone is in great condition. it has a few really small chips by the stylus and thats it.

what i am tryin to do is trade for a sprint mogul, that is in as good as condition as mine. i want the wifi on my phone. and the vogue doesnt have it.....

