Yell mobile
Consumers can find the details of Yell's two million UK local business listings using their mobile phones, and enjoy the following benefits:
Search over 2 million listed local businesses: mobile allows you to search Yells database of over 2 million local businesses across the UK directly from your mobile phone. From plumbers to pizza or cleaners to comedy clubs, mobile lets you find and contact local businesses and services anywhere in the UK.
Search around a location: Need something nearby? Enter a location and find the closest businesses to you. The location could be a postcode, street name, train/tube station, town or city.
Single click to call a business: Need to talk to someone right away? When you find the business you require, simply click on the phone number to initiate a call.
Save business details to contacts: Want to call later? mobile allows you to save business details directly to the contact list/phonebook of your phone.
Maps of business locations: Want to know where the business is? mobile shows the location of any business on a full colour map.
Routes & walking/driving directions: Need to know how to get there? mobile can direct you to a business from wherever you are. Whether you are walking or driving, mobile can give you turn-by-turn directions.
Consumers can find the details of Yell's two million UK local business listings using their mobile phones, and enjoy the following benefits:
Search over 2 million listed local businesses: mobile allows you to search Yells database of over 2 million local businesses across the UK directly from your mobile phone. From plumbers to pizza or cleaners to comedy clubs, mobile lets you find and contact local businesses and services anywhere in the UK.
Search around a location: Need something nearby? Enter a location and find the closest businesses to you. The location could be a postcode, street name, train/tube station, town or city.
Single click to call a business: Need to talk to someone right away? When you find the business you require, simply click on the phone number to initiate a call.
Save business details to contacts: Want to call later? mobile allows you to save business details directly to the contact list/phonebook of your phone.
Maps of business locations: Want to know where the business is? mobile shows the location of any business on a full colour map.
Routes & walking/driving directions: Need to know how to get there? mobile can direct you to a business from wherever you are. Whether you are walking or driving, mobile can give you turn-by-turn directions.
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