$400 for using the link below to sign up with Uber:
This really is an important video, especially for new drivers. Take your rating seriously, and stop those damn harassing calls from Uber riders.
Link to Google Voice video:
My voicemail is as follows:
You have reached the Google Voice mailbox of your Uber Driver.
This mailbox is not monitored, and you will not receive a response to your message.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
This action was necessary due to the overwhelming number of calls, sometimes harassing, after I arrive home, and am trying to rest for my next shift.
I take passenger safety seriously, therefor this number and mailbox have been created to filter out calls from my personal phone.
Again, this is a "ghost" number, that does not physically exist, and is not routinely monitored.
Thank you for choosing Uber as your transportation provider, and have an Uber day.