Custom HTC Vogue Cube Interface


Owner - Staff
this cube comes with custom icons and shortcuts to where these go. this means no more ugly yellow icons and sprint branding everywhere throughout the cube interface. this is a cab file for easy install and can be seen here in this youtube video i made. also for th ewallet tab it is shortcutted for selboriyorker wallet which can be found here-
*edit* i think he meant this link, but leaving the other link there in case
Selboriyorker Wallet:

Cube Mod:

and you can go here to find the video of what it looks like its the last one listed of them all in the first post.
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hi dash i intsaled the file and works great. but do you know how to get instaled videos to show up on the midle tabe on the touch qube? it will not show the video that i instaled the vid will play on the windows player but i have to go to the player firt.
you have to make sure the video is saved to the main memory of the phone and not the storge card or it wont be read by the tab. also please make a new thread to further discuss this so this thread doesnt get crapped and hard to find the links for download. Thanks
Damnit Dash u did it again. You got my phone pimped homie. I just got a question tho. Is there a way to assign the cube icons for the media player to audio manager and movies icon to Core player....thanks bro. Much props on the vid too.
Damnit Dash u did it again. You got my phone pimped homie. I just got a question tho. Is there a way to assign the cube icons for the media player to audio manager and movies icon to Core player....thanks bro. Much props on the vid too.

no problem on it bro it be what i like to do...... and to assign the movies and the media player buttons to go somewhere else you have to do the following registry edit so make sure you feel comfortable doing this because I nor anyone else here at AMJ wil be responsible if you brick your phone.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/software/HTC/Biotouch/MediaHubMini - go to this string in the registry and they go in order with number from the top of the screen to the bottom.
so what do i do after that. Do I go into app one folder and change the icon playing path to the coreplayer path? Im a lil confused at this point and don't wanna brick my sh!t. .
yes thats exactly what you do but dont play with the registry if your not comfortable with it since we hear at AMJ are not responsible for any damage you do to your phone.
Alright guys don't call me a vagina but I backed out of this whole deal. I already got buttons mapped on my home screen to go to core player so why do i need to do it on the cube. So I feel the cube is cool as is since it leads to some programs that i dont really have mapped yet such as wmp and video camera. So imma keep it the way it is until I think of a real reason why to change it. Again thx for all the insight dash on what to do so if I or anybody else plan on hacking their cube in the future.

you dont want to change the icon playing path but the reg called path change its value to:

ok no prob i will try my best so you dont brick your phone: ok lets get started i have done this type of change all over my phone so i am really familiar with these type of changes:

change the path to the coreplayer.exe (p.s. there will be a string of comands b4 that but sice i dont have the coreplayer i wont be able to provide it but it should look something like this "/mydevice/prgram file/coreplayer/coreplayer.exe)

aswell as changing the name then just do a soft reset and it should work

(AMJ is not responsible for any damages to your phone weather it be external or internal or software damages)

hit dat rep bro
Alright guys don't call me a vagina but I backed out of this whole deal. I already got buttons mapped on my home screen to go to core player so why do i need to do it on the cube. So I feel the cube is cool as is since it leads to some programs that i dont really have mapped yet such as wmp and video camera. So imma keep it the way it is until I think of a real reason why to change it. Again thx for all the insight dash on what to do so if I or anybody else plan on hacking their cube in the future.


your straight bro its better to start on small registry edits rather than big ones anyways. amd no problem bro thats why im here..... and thats to help ya guyz.... well.......and to show off lol ....
I got some ballz and pulled the trigger bro. I got my whole cube customized. Everything is cool as an ice cube (peep the pun) and I even changed the paths on the 4th side. Im an official hacker now bro. Im ready to hack the government military mainframe. Let me at em' Thanks again for the help.
glad to hear it !!!! i got hte 4th side customized too....before the program was even posted lol..... but anyways glad to hear the news bro and registry editing isnt hard you just have to be really careful with what you type in otherwise you make one wrong move because your tired or not paying attention that you got yourself a nce new black paperweight lol. ..... but once again glad you got it and there will be llots more hacking in the future...... so with all the above said HAPPY HACKING!!!
thats so sweet bro i did the same aswell but remember (AMJ isnt responsible for any damage done to your phone)
Ok...what is this file name? I've installed it, but it kinda messed up w/the iCube being installed as well LOL so I want to delete this, BUT I can't find Pearl Cube anywhere. It's not in my programs or I just don't know the file name. Hella thanks in advance!

pearl cube and i cube are 2 different programs created by dash so what exactly are you trying to do because im not quite understanding you