Call Tones Figured Out!


This works on the HTC Touch, not sure about the mogul, it should work, but you never know!

Ok gents! I have figured out how to adjust call tones on the touch! You have to get this file and install it on your ppc.

Make sure that internet explorer is closed at this point.

Then go Start->Settings->Connections->Advanced->select networks

In the first drop down box select Call Tones.

Click Edit.

Then you go to the proxy settings tab-> click "This network connects to the Internet" and "This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet." Then type in "" under proxy server

Then go back to the modem tab, then hold the stylus on calltone connect until an menu pops up, and click on connect.

Then it will try to connect, and ask for a user name and a password, and a domain, leave all of these blank, and click ok.

Now leave this window open, do not click ok on the top right (atleast for me it was disconnecting every time I tried this.....)

Open up internet explorer, and type in if this site does not come up correctly, *EDIT* (if it has a red bar at the top its not the right website) refresh a few times.

In the search type in call tones, and then click the call tone link that pops up, and Bingo! you gots yourself calltone access!

In theory you can bookmark this page and delete the software for this, and just use the bookmark, now I have not tried this yet..... any questions? post here! hopefully we can get a rapidshare linky for this file... soon.... credit to Wideawake from the PPC forums for this excellent solution!
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hey bro when i hold the call tone connect and i press connect i get a error message as follows "the current connection cannot be used for your request.please end the current connection and try again" i did every thing you said to do.:triste:
try doing a soft reset, you can do this by taking the stylus and pressing the button on the bottom of the phone beside the charger, i got that error once.. i think a soft reset fixed it, perhaps you mistyped the ip?

*Edit* don't forget to disconnect the usb from the pc, the phone will try to connect with the server through your pc's internet, and i'm not sure if that will work

*Edit* Saving the call tones url to your favorites will actually work, unfortunatly I can not give you this url, mainly because it is a very long url, but also because I think that the specific url applies to your account! On the flip side, you may want to keep the call tones connection on your phone, because the url will not work without it, and that is a great way of checking minutes used. I hope I explained this well enough...
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did everything by the book but still only land on the website with the Home page w/the red label.

huh havent tried this myself maby the guy above that got it working on hi could help you troubleshoot a little bit. my gue would be that there was a error in the steps that you followed. i would go back and double check that you did everything correctly.
Well do, I'll keep you posted. On another note, I read somewhere that you customize Touch phones for a fee. As I'm trying my best on my own, any information would be helpful as I know I should do a quick serach but I so damn busy. Thanks.
Well do, I'll keep you posted. On another note, I read somewhere that you customize Touch phones for a fee. As I'm trying my best on my own, any information would be helpful as I know I should do a quick serach but I so damn busy. Thanks.

well thats a broad topic with help and what you ould want done. i could right a 40 pager on how to do it and all. if you want you can make a new thread under free talk or sumtin and name it modding help and i can help you with quetions in there so this thread doent get crapped. but yes i do offer the service if you would like that.... just got free up and done with 4 phones today and did the 5th in peron.
If you are getting the red bar, that means that the calltones connection is not staying connected, remember not to click the "ok" button after you connect, and after you load Internet Explorer, click on the ev logo on the top, and make sure it says "call tones connected" and not "sprint connected" sorry this reply took a while, I have been busy with college... This is the link where I learned how to do this,

good luck, hope this works!
when you try to connect, did you leave it plugged in to your computer through usb? you need to disconnect the usb, and use sprint's internet. It seems more like a problem with your connection than with the process.
I got the red bar and i am running 6.1 with REV A on my Mogul... this gives me the read bar. I have double checked setting and are very familiar with how to configure ehat u asked for... No working for me!
ya i have reports it works try this..........quote from ppcgeeks
Kaos - thanks to you I got call tones working on my Mogul. You are the man. Follow this outline exactly as it is posted, and it will work. One addition to the procedure, though, is to make sure that you change the access number to your Sprint connection (#777) to something else temporarily (I changed mine to 0) before you connect via the CallTones connection. Also make sure that wifi is turned off. This prevents another connection from becoming active and taking you to the wrong vision site.