HTC performance

I know for me that after a soft reboot fixed that issue. For the future you might want to make sure and reboot your phone after each install and uninstall. That usually solves any issues. I hope this helps:)

also there is a thread already for this going to combine the threads. Thanks
I have installed is with active sync, soft reseted = didnt work

uninstalled, soft reseted, installed, soft reseted = didnt work

Im running through ROGERS (canadian)...when i go to the states ROGERS, turns into Cingular.

am i able to use this app? i have the Touch,

is this a gps phone or ?
I have installed is with active sync, soft reseted = didnt work

uninstalled, soft reseted, installed, soft reseted = didnt work

Im running through ROGERS (canadian)...when i go to the states ROGERS, turns into Cingular.

am i able to use this app? i have the Touch,

is this a gps phone or ?

not sure id rogers has the anteena for gps will say in the manual. and as stated in this thread in gsm providers will not be able to use this. it is only for cdma users. sorry us cdma users got lucky for once lol.
not sure id rogers has the anteena for gps will say in the manual. and as stated in this thread in gsm providers will not be able to use this. it is only for cdma users. sorry us cdma users got lucky for once lol.

i meant to ask if this was a gsm phone, is it?
I'm running it on a CDMA touch .. TCPMP benchmark doesn't really show much difference between stock & 624

I'm still hopeful as navigating a round the touch does seem faster
I'm running it on a CDMA touch .. TCPMP benchmark doesn't really show much difference between stock & 624

I'm still hopeful as navigating a round the touch does seem faster

oh yeah for sure it will be bro try teating with the windows folder you will notice a difference.
yo thank you very much..i just installed the performance and boosted it up to the 640 and got 400 out of it a three week owner of the Htc Touch..and now i can say that im a proud owner of the htc touh...cant wait for the rev a to come out...
yo thank you very much..i just installed the performance and boosted it up to the 640 and got 400 out of it a three week owner of the Htc Touch..and now i can say that im a proud owner of the htc touh...cant wait for the rev a to come out...

glad that you like it bro and its not a definite that rev a is coming out. sprint is saying one thing and htc is saying another.
Thanks so much.. is this what Tiger has running on his TOUCH because his video shows his touch blazing fast.. ???

I wonder if the other registry tweaks for Performance and Battery really work ?

Guys is the stock cpu speed is 300 mhz ? and with this booster is now 520mhz or 624mhz ?
Thanks so much.. is this what Tiger has running on his TOUCH because his video shows his touch blazing fast.. ???

I wonder if the other registry tweaks for Performance and Battery really work ?

Guys is the stock cpu speed is 300 mhz ? and with this booster is now 520mhz or 624mhz ?

stock is 400mhz and look at my videos under the username that you found tigerz since that is my rapidshare account and i have them on my newest and at the time tigerz didnt have it on his.
I tried opening the windows folder through file explorer and it took like 2 min. and 15 sec. I think with or without this program checked at 625 or whatever it is? Do I have a problem? Other things seem to run OK? I mean it's not real slow? If I do a hard reset will my contacts sync back to the phone?
What do you do to take 2min+?

I didn't notice any difference then I learned about how the processor works on my touch so I gave up looking for an overclocking app/tool.
HTC performance only works on xscales... it wont work on the dual core stuff found in these qualicom devices. because there is (at this date) absolutely no way to overclock the 400mhz core (dedicated for the UI) without screwing up the 133 core dedicated for the radio (or "the phone") hopefully those wizcode geeks are going to figure this out for their next release of pocket hack master but I'm getting more and more skeptical the more I look into it.
You can oc your ti omap to like 3something but it will get weird on you.
If you have seen "faster" speeds I apologize for killing your placebo effect.
Yes placebo effect.

Here is a way to test if it is faster
Open the Windows in the Device
When the processing color wheel start spinning look what color it starts at and watch how many times it goes around before that file folder opens
This folder is one of the largest folder and the processor has to work for this to open
Then turn the Overclocker off and then count the whell when you open it again
Only one turn on all case for me.

OK, I did some serious testing with htc Performance on my HTC Touch CDMA (Telus):
0) No apps running in background.
1) Opening the Windows folder: 3 seconds on 400, 520 and 624mhz, not a good test, too short, not the same on different devices.
2) Opening a 2.6mb zipped file in memory: 19s on 400, 520 and 624mhz
3) Run all benchmark of GAPI Benchmak, see attached: same results on 400 and 520mhz but 5% slower on 624mhz.

So my conclusion is: This app is not working on HTC Touch CDMA. My readings also gets me to the comment of fuzzydeer.
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it auto shuts down when the phone is idle and doing nothing to save the battery power and i havent noticced any difference in battery life with using this forbout the past month or so.

Great to hear this ..
all i know is i see a visual improvement.Phone is more responsive.

I agree

its way faster visually even. i ran a lil test and took it off and tried to open the windows folder. it took just over 5 seconds to open without and just under 2 with it so there is a big differenceand i tried this multiple times so it wasnt a one time fluke.

funny windows folder opens up fast for me lol seconds with or without the cpu oc'ed ..
stock is 400mhz and look at my videos under the username that you found tigerz since that is my rapidshare account and i have them on my newest and at the time tigerz didnt have it on his.

actually I saw the videos on the all extracted HTC Apps.. but i did bump into tigerz video on youtube while searching for htc touch videos last week before i made the purchase
I have the insurance plan with Sprint and i wanted to know that if i use this program and my CPU burns out, will I still be able to get a new one with the insurance plan or by using this program they will just tell me no?
I have the insurance plan with Sprint and i wanted to know that if i use this program and my CPU burns out, will I still be able to get a new one with the insurance plan or by using this program they will just tell me no?

yes because if you burn it out there is no way for them to check.
Im not saying this app doesnt work it just doesnt work with the qualicom processors. People should also keep in mind that many tweaks are made to the registry either manully or by other performance applications that will make the phone run way faster (take your glyph cache and allow for 4 or 8 times more and turn off the clicking for srolling and you have some super fast and smooth scrolling of icons) Many of these tweaks are made by the user of there newly installed programs at near the same time that they instal htc performance. this is likley where you extra speed is coming from.