How To Make Themes Like Me D/\SH And My Boy Tigerz

A video different from the one in this thread? Because i've watched this video like 5 times, haha. And re-read D/\sh's written directions bout the same amount. I've tried messing with a few things and will keep trying til myself, or someone else can help. But thanks, i'll use the search and see if it comes up with anything.
A video different from the one in this thread? Because i've watched this video like 5 times, haha. And re-read D/\sh's written directions bout the same amount. I've tried messing with a few things and will keep trying til myself, or someone else can help. But thanks, i'll use the search and see if it comes up with anything.

nope im sorry, i forgot the video is on this thread lol...but anyway, i never heard of that problem you are having, just have patience till one of the more experienced ppls that use this program can help u.
when i change my borders and stuff will there be a section where i can tweek the clock and move it or is this just for borders and backrounds
i made a theme but dont kno where to send to my phone so i can use it
sprint mogul win6
just put it anywhere, then you find it using file explorer and double-click on it to get to today settings...although it is recommended to make a file named themes so tey ain'l floating around on your phone everywhere
just put it anywhere, then you find it using file explorer and double-click on it to get to today settings...although it is recommended to make a file named themes so tey ain'l floating around on your phone everywhere
i did that and once i get to the today screen its not there to select for a theme
okay i guarantee that this works...go transfer it to your phne via activesync, then you find it on file explorer on your phone, one you have found it, double-click and it will take you to the today settings automatically with the .tsk file you selected available as a theme
Thanx D/\SH...this is a GREAT video...I'm new to the Mogul and to the website. I can't get enough of making new all I wanna learn how to do is make custom dialers
hahahaaaaa look at you and everyone else you find AMJ and by time you do that it is tool ate.

dude my mogul is so beautiful i cant keep my eyes off here, and my girls touch is so awesome to, I flashed it to OMJ rom the clean one and put like 10 apps that she likes and the thing is running sweet ass sweet bro aaaaaaah I luv htc lol
hey guys quick question? i was able to make the themes i posted some here already, how do you change the color of the txt in the quick menu area. i was able to change the color on the start menu but on the the quick menu app its always color white. i tried messing around with the prog but i cant find it. can you change it or not? thanks
hey guys quick question? i was able to make the themes i posted some here already, how do you change the color of the txt in the quick menu area. i was able to change the color on the start menu but on the the quick menu app its always color white. i tried messing around with the prog but i cant find it. can you change it or not? thanks

its like 3 from the bottom if im not mistaking and will be called drop down color
ive tried the the program... everything good...except... if u want no pics for the landscape(today and start) how do u remove the previous pics that are there?
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ive tried the the program... everything good...except... if u want no pics for the landscape(today and start) how do u remove the previous pics that are there?

what do you mean? if you dont want it to change for landscape than in the options where you choose theme type do the same thing but just P not P+L
OK so i made this sweet ass theme and i even put it on my phone but i cant see to find a way to put it on here... Its my first one so plz bare with me lol how do I save it so i can put it on here?