we all know fox news channel and tv. i got this email from christian franks who does the segment called tech trends on fox 17 news at 10. i know they have tech trends throughout the country just different people doing for different areas. i got this youtube message and guess who is going to be getting flown back to grand rapids , mi to do tech trends? D/\SH from AMJ!!!! we are getting the site promoted so elboriyorker i need some help on some stuff that should be mentioned!!! i will also record and youtube the video so you all can see what the D/\SHinator looks like live and in color :> alright guys lets hear some ideas... i got business cards, (1000) fox17 is going to pass out to people and post on the website also...... if you have further ideas would love to here them :>
LINK TO THE VIDEO http://www.wxmi.com/pages/video/?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=3151132

LINK TO THE VIDEO http://www.wxmi.com/pages/video/?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=3151132
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