[ANNOUNCEMENT] Spj has hit it big!!! Get the details here


Owner - Staff
we all know fox news channel and tv. i got this email from christian franks who does the segment called tech trends on fox 17 news at 10. i know they have tech trends throughout the country just different people doing for different areas. i got this youtube message and guess who is going to be getting flown back to grand rapids , mi to do tech trends? D/\SH from AMJ!!!! we are getting the site promoted so elboriyorker i need some help on some stuff that should be mentioned!!! i will also record and youtube the video so you all can see what the D/\SHinator looks like live and in color :> alright guys lets hear some ideas... i got business cards, (1000) fox17 is going to pass out to people and post on the website also...... if you have further ideas would love to here them :>

LINK TO THE VIDEO http://www.wxmi.com/pages/video/?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=3151132
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Re: Spj has hit i?t big!!! Get the details here

hahaha word guys as i said i will be posting this up on youtube when done :> cant wait this will be pretty cool!!! and everyone in the area better wastch ill tell you the date and you can all watch it online :>
Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here

thats great news bro!!!! let us know when you are due to be live and in color so we can tune in

Dont forget to mention ye ole staff (hint... Mike LOL)

You deserve it fo sho, you are da master and deserve the spotlight
Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here

That is F'n awsome...........And the Acadamey Awarde Goes To................D/\SH.....LOL
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Re: Spj has hit it big Get the details here

O dammm they found me agian.... lol America's most wanted is trying to get to you to get to me D/\SH... don't turn patsy on me dude... lol j/k Cool make sure you do us as proud as I know you will buddy. Plug the old graphics section as a picture is worth a thousand words you know. lol
Re: Spj has hit i?t big!!! Get the details here

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO im soooo stoked!!!!!!!!!! wow lmao im having a conference call with fox tomorrow than i will hopefully have the date :>