[ ISSUE SOLVED ] iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

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Okay long story short. I like the Tmobile G1 alot, and the iPhone, but cause the price tmobile giving my the g1 is kinda way to much than they posted i might be interested in the iPhone now... So which phone? and why?
thanks AMJ!
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

Okay long story short. I like the Tmobile G1 alot, and the iPhone, but cause the price tmobile giving my the g1 is kinda way to much than they posted i might be interested in the iPhone now... So which phone? and why?
thanks AMJ!

The g1 has manyyyyyyyyyyyyy more options than the iphone so id probaly say the g1 but the iphone still is a hot sexy phone...:brows:
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

i would go with the g1 over the iphone.... but this is coming from a total iphone hater.
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

lol. i agree with all of you i love it too alot!! like i would get it now! but i cant cause of the money situation... and comparing both its great phones and everyone has an iphone and how many will have a g1? idk why but at times im leaning for the g1 and other times im leaning for the iphone...
lol. wm= whore mugger...(idk)
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

I really like the the IPHONE...and unlike others, I am currently using one so I can speak from some direct experience...as for the G1...I have played and used that phone for a few days and it is one hell of a phone...of course I do not like how the right side has the hard button piece next to the keyboard instead of being attached to the side of the phone with the screen...buts that just my fingers talking...it all depends on what you are used to and what you would like your phone to be able to do for you???
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

hey dont wanna be mean but i played alot whit a iphone and its fun but i have a htc touch and its a 100 times better then the iphone but for the g1 i never played whit it but i can tell you that its better then the iphone so if I was you I would take the htc touch and let go the 2 other because all the htc phones are the best you can do anyfing you want on them and they wont break.I love the iphone but htc is better so take the htc and **** the others (sorry for the ad word).
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

I also own an HTC Touch and it is a remarkable device...but the touch screen has nothing on the screen of the iphone....the video drivers/graphics of the device have nothing on the iphone...now the touch can really be modded much more than an iphone can with any level of knowledge really...the iphone can really be hacked into alot more than people think as I have found out in the past month...now there are things that both devices have over one another and there are things that both carriers that provide these devices, AT&T and Sprint, have over one another...so I am giving you an unbiased answer...but like I said before it all depends on what you are looking for in a phone...tell me what you want your phone to do for you and I will tell you which would likely be best for you and tell me what you want in carrier rates as well...
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

wow all great reasons! thanks... im guess im going for the G1 but wait for month or soo, so i can see it and check out the reviews, hacks and mods that it will have...
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

wow all great reasons! thanks... im guess im going for the G1 but wait for month or soo, so i can see it and check out the reviews, hacks and mods that it will have...

Wait? I thought you were a true junkie :<

just messing bro hahahaha
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

I'm with you Iceman. I've had the Iphone, Mogul, HTC Touch & the HTC Diamond & yes even the Samsung Instinct. They all have their pros & cons but I really love the new Iphone. I didn't think I could ever like another phone bettern than the Mogul but it had some serious limitations. I love the Diamond but it also has serious limitations. Bottom line is phones depend on your preferences. And right now..I have too many phones because I don't want to give any of em up.
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

I'm with you Iceman. I've had the Iphone, Mogul, HTC Touch & the HTC Diamond & yes even the Samsung Instinct. They all have their pros & cons but I really love the new Iphone. I didn't think I could ever like another phone bettern than the Mogul but it had some serious limitations. I love the Diamond but it also has serious limitations. Bottom line is phones depend on your preferences. And right now..I have too many phones because I don't want to give any of em up.

You said something about every phone accept the instinct must be a bad phone :brows:
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

I'm with you Iceman. I've had the Iphone, Mogul, HTC Touch & the HTC Diamond & yes even the Samsung Instinct. They all have their pros & cons but I really love the new Iphone. I didn't think I could ever like another phone bettern than the Mogul but it had some serious limitations. I love the Diamond but it also has serious limitations. Bottom line is phones depend on your preferences. And right now..I have too many phones because I don't want to give any of em up.
lol. i just want a nice smartphone and the g1 (couple more hours!!) is one that i love... if anything ill go for the iphone but i wont be able to get the 3g :-(
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

ok, i really like the iphone(3g) i was a hater before it came out sooooo now that i got it, its a very sexy phone, shiny, smooth, sleek look to it, i read this comparison between the phones and the author made the iphone look so much better cuz the g1 had copied the iphone but it just has the keyboard. but its all good there both phones and use full, get wutever u like there both good.....enjoy them
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

yeah... its offically out!!! lol. imma call tmobile tommorow and see if i can get it for no more than $300...
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

Did you ever end up getting one? I am currently in this dilemma. The G1 looks awesome. And for some strange reason i just want an iphone. Lemme know.
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

Did you ever end up getting one? I am currently in this dilemma. The G1 looks awesome. And for some strange reason i just want an iphone. Lemme know.
i didnt get either cause i dont have the money but im going for the g1 and im might just wait cause theres alot of rumors that their might be a G2 (not the touch) and its gonna be better (ofcourse) but anyways... NO APPLE IPHONE!!
Re: iPhone or Tmobile G1 (HTC Dream) help

Ahhh. Alright. Hey dash, what's the possibility of sprint carrying the G1? I saw in the other thread you had mentioned it. Was just wondering the chances.
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