Windows Mobile 7


Oct 27 Windows Mobile 7 Debuts At PDC 2008
Found in:Windows Mobile, News, Microsoft,

The Professional Developers Conference (PDC) begins today in Los Angeles, which means the long awaited debut of Windows Mobile 7 is at hand. Although A-list blogger Bob Cringely made waves by asserting that "Windows Mobile will die", Microsoft is sure to turn the tide tomorrow at the unveiling. Tech journalist Mary-Jo Foley at ZDNet gives readers a sneak peek into what will be presented and distributed at the conference:

"Attendees will get a demo of Windows 7 by Windows engineering chief Steven Sinofsky, as well as pre-beta M3 bits to take home. Chief Software Architect Ray Ozzie is on tap to outline Microsofts Live Framework, the Live Mesh development platform. Windows Server head Bob Muglia is expected to unveil Microsofts cloud development platform and explain how Microsoft plans to try to one-up Amazon and Google in this space  via a combination of its Windows Cloud OS, virtualization and a variety of cloud-optimized services. There are sessions on Microsofts Oslo modeling strategy and platform, Silverlight 2 for mobile, parallel/concurrent computing and more."​
Cloud computing is the wave of the future; I4U News explains that Google is already employing it and Apple is close behind. However, Microsoft has always managed to compete and thrive in spite of the competition. If this week's debut is successful, it appears that they will continue to dominate in the mobile market.
As much as I am enjoying Windows Mobile 6.1, I can't wait to see what this latest version has to offer. Lots of people believe the number 7 is lucky; this week we may get to see if that's really true.​
im excited for PDC just because someone is definitely going to leak the pre-beta of windows 7 ( not wm 7 ) which is basically a way more efficient version of windows. I am definitely excited for wm 7 as well, but i dont believe there is a beta release of that at all yet. I dont even care if i dont get wm7 until next year, but i want the SDK for it ASAP!
I want the betas for both I heard windows 7 is set to release in 2010

yeah release will be late 2009 - early 2010 and its just vista except wayy faster. As I said though there should be a pre-beta release leaked by tomorrow. Im hoping at least. In this case ill load it on my test pc and play with it, if its stable enough ill load it on my actual PC.
wow this is gonna be great.. and 7 is lucky... and 13! and look im born on July 13 (7/13) and not on friday the 13th...
[the windows mobile 7 format scares me because from the leaked photos i have seen of it, the look is a knock off of the iphone more than less..... i just dont understand why everyone is so head over heals over that damn device..... nothing special to me and would never replace a ppc from someones hands.