Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

I got the ROM to install after I updated my radio. I notice the touchflo is in the list. I don't see it anywhere on my mogul. If this didnt install for some reason (which I thought a rom was basically like an image where there are no options as to what goes in it) then how would i make sure its all there?


Not sure, but I do know that we have the stand alone cab for TF2D here if you want it:)
ever since I flashed, my active sync won't sync up..i've tried uninstalling and reinstalling.. also instead of automatically finding and installing drivers it was asking me for the HTC USB Driver Disk.. I could not find any such thing but I did find the .SYS file it was looking for. Downloaded it and installed it and it was an "HTC Diagnostic Interface (PID 0B03) (COM6)"...I tried picking COM6 in active sync and it just tries to connect but doesn't.. anything special about syncing this one?


--------- New Post Merged on 25/12/2008 at 04:39:31 --------

Once again never mind because immediately after posting I found my issue...I disabled the "Enable advanced network functionality" and everything is fine now :)
Thanks for the ROm..I'm enjoying my customization of this thing.

What are these advanced features for?
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Kaos do you have MSVC working fully on this ROM?........most except for JD on PPCGeeks do not.....it is one of those must have apps for me.....
Kaos do you have MSVC working fully on this ROM?........most except for JD on PPCGeeks do not.....it is one of those must have apps for me.....

no he doesnt but you can add it since we have the exe file for install here at AMJ...... but big jews does have it and it is a great rom that im actually running right now :>
hey im having a few issues with my phone just automatically resetting, anyone else have this prob, iv had to reflash for a 2nd time to see if i could get rid of it but it still does it randomly or when i start to load any prog. any takes?
hey im having a few issues with my phone just automatically resetting, anyone else have this prob, iv had to reflash for a 2nd time to see if i could get rid of it but it still does it randomly or when i start to load any prog. any takes?

Did you try another rom if so it could be a hardware problem so if it still does it take it to a store:bolt:
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well before i flashed to kaos hybrid i had flashed with sprint 6.1 rom and then used dcd's uscellular cab and i had no probs till i flashed with this rom
well before i flashed to kaos hybrid i had flashed with sprint 6.1 rom and then used dcd's uscellular cab and i had no probs till i flashed with this rom

did you hard reset the device and take the battery out for 1 minute afterwards?
yup sure did, but i waited till the phone loaded up. should i do it as soon as i see the first screen?

naw that shouldnt make a difference...... have you tried to run the dcd sprint carrier cab and see if that fixes it for you?
Re: Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 6.1 gps & Reva

yea... Touchflo... like to scroll through messaging or internet explorer like the REGULAR TOUCH/VOGUE you can find touchflo under Start/Settings I believe....... I think you are thinking of Touchflo3d?
in your description it says this rom has touch flo but i have yet to find it
He says touchflo, not TF2D. Touch flow is what lets you scroll with your finger, like in the programs menu for instance. You can use your finger and swipe up and down to move the menu. Thats touchflo. Your thinging of touchflow2d.